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francis buxton

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Everything posted by francis buxton

  1. People who believe in Nostradamus' predictions piss me off. Sooooooo, Nostradamus predicted Hitler and WWII and all that? Aaaaaaaaaaaand you did nothing to stop it because? Vague-ass-mean-nothing-bullshit Also, the REAL STORY of Nostradamus, er NastraBomaz, from the semi-golden era of the oontz....... OLD HOTBOY THREAD
  2. Looking at that site induced a flash back to high school, working at a bullshit arts and craft store, I had to wash my hands cause I was convinced there was glitter all over them. That job seriously gave me a phobia of glitter. I hate it. That shit gets EVERYWHERE.
  3. Biggest Fail at Life: POZ for the all the VAG stuff, or was that last year? Fuck! Also, I only read the first page of this thread.
  4. Didn't there used to be a smiley icon that was asleep, like, with "z"s above its head? Imagine I just posted one of those.
  5. Re: Favorite Flickr Flicks Do you remember where you got this one by any chance? Props in advance.
  6. Re: Favorite Flickr Flicks Soooooooooooooo, I'm the only one who thinks this giraffa stuff is boring? Also, if I never see another swampy skull thing it'll be too soon. I'm just more interested in good letters/throw ups, etc. MHO
  7. Re: Favorite Flickr Flicks BUMP CONDOR. That is all.
  8. julian gives good head and is dead Less Than Zero sucks, but on that note, American Psycho is awesome, and I got the special edition for my lady as a christmas gift many years ago. So, I usually watch that.
  9. If the usual trolls and ladies of the oontz got together.
  10. Its too early for this shit. I'm operating on mountain time, I haven't even finished my morning latte. That I bought at starbucks. On my credit card. Like a REAL american.
  11. Re: Garfield's entire world was made up to cope with starving to death in an abandoned hou I like these. http://garfieldminusgarfield.net/page/1 Also, Those youtube videos of the frame for frame live action versions of the comic strip were kinda neat. My 2 cents.
  12. In internet time, isn't this like 400 years old by now? I feel like anything that the 40-50-60 year olds at my work are talking about shouldn't be on ch.0, it just seems, I don't know, lame?
  13. Can't Believe you'd put me on blast like that! We're so wasted in this pic!! Remember when we all bought those matching sandals? Good times, man, good times..........
  14. This shit isn't my taste when it comes to tattoos, but at least its well done. Although, I'm probably a little bit biased seeing as it a tattoo of lyrics from a band I very much enjoy. Seriously, its pretty solid as far as font tattoos go.
  15. Re: Great Pictures~ Dude! Quit trying to pimp your shitty blog! No one cares! You steal pictures from all over the internet and post them on your blog? Oh wow! theres not already 4000 other, better, blogs like that out there! What a great idea!
  16. Shit, the real player shit is wooden cock rings. Act like you know!!
  17. You can play super nintendo games on the wii, so, how could it suck? I still have yet to get rid of my snes though.
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