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tango 24

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Everything posted by tango 24

  1. you're better off listening to root_pl or ambitious at least they have an idea
  2. let me assure you guys she's in no position whatsoever to be giving advice check the link midway down the page, that's her graffiti
  3. spacing the letters out would be a good start that looks like a block with some lines cut into it. equal widths too don't start big, shrink and go big again straight lines for now trust, it'll be a lot better looking than the curvy stuff you have going on at the moment
  4. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear REA, maybe try explaining that you have a schedule that isn't conducive to random drop in visits and a phone call before hand would be really appreciated. best of luck dealing with that shit, Tango to the edit- fuck knows dude, maybe you just gotta be blunt on this one and explain you want to spend some time alone with your parents as you rarely get to see em. she's gotta respect that, if she doesn't then i have no fuckin idea...
  5. lose the huge amount of kicks unnecessary stuff clutters with out making it look good lose the one to the top right thin bar to fat extension looks stupid lots of stuff down the bottom also really unbalances the letter itself moderation people, don't go over board
  6. not necessarily i use lower case i's in my pieces, it's just about constructing them properly to cover a decent amount of area.
  7. fuck's sake i find it hard to keep myself in check around people like that feel the overwhelming urge to slap those glasses straight off his fucking face nice flicks though, looked like a good day
  8. doing teh graffiti sketches for the first time in ages putting off walking to the store in this heat drinking a beer i really should be doing some assignments
  9. the I is sitting out on its own if you want to overlap letters make sure they all overlap adds to the flow of the piece and you wont have big chunks of 3d to paint
  10. americans should stop complaining about fuel prices i'm paying $4.47 a gallon at the pump
  11. people with graffiti tattoos clearly win at life i would definitely be friends with both of those champions
  12. false they would just shit all over everything and die when they hit the windows... who the fuck wants to clean up all that? tpbm has more expenses than income per month
  13. drinking a tall boy, eating pizza, surfing oontz, waiting for the party to start
  14. brokencyde are far and away the stupidest fucking band i have heard in a very long time i'm glad i don't associate with anyone who likes that kind of noise
  15. got black out drunk last week at a party, it was my first time meeting all these people as i just moved states. apparently i'm a hilarious black out drunk. things that are (apparently) hilarious for a drunk person to do: -call everyone an asshole within 5 minutes of meeting them -kicking over a cd tower (who the fuck still has cd towers) and throwing copys of shania twain and mariah carey albums at set up beer bottle -climbing on to a second story balcony and backflipping off it into a huge sand pile -re arranging fridge magnets into abusive messages about peoples favourite football teams -climbing over a fence and stealing tomatoes to throw at bogans doing burnouts out the front of a party no idea why they still think i'm a nice guy i broke heaps of their shit, abused people i just met and made a huge idiot out of myself me+drinking on an empty stomach=huge fail
  16. agreed fail on the thread but win on the pictures in it props either way
  17. false, ran through my personal stash and don't really want to spend money i don't have tpbm has got a hectic few months ahead of them
  18. Re: a transit cop is giving me a government job right fucking now!!! dude...
  19. false, i rarely get sick, maybe 4-5 times a year tpbm has met a person of royal descent
  20. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear laughslast it's obviously a witty commentary on how he has been screwed out of shit loads of money by the education system, hence the retaliatory loads dropped on desks and speedo photos. obviously sincerely 24
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