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war terror

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Everything posted by war terror

  1. ^^right, its really just having the balls... ussually the people what get fucked cuz of graff either have balls or are stupid... just go to a spot and do your shit till the cops come... thats my idea.... do your shit till you hear or see cops... simple
  2. FUCK! ^^^ i snuck in a skatepark and was doin a peice in the bowl and my boy saw a cop car lookin at our bikes out side the fence... and the cop was lookin up to see us and we ran.. the only way out was a 20 foot fence and they another 7foot fence with barbed wire... i jumped down and i sprained my ankle and broke 2 toes.. fuckin limped over the barbed wire and i ripped skin off my chest and shit.. not that bad.... but compared to the dude above me im pussy! lol fuckin good luck man!
  3. what did you say or how did you tell your parents? ----to everyone.....
  4. ive stolen everything i own... lol naw only the graff shit... im middle class about... well my fam is at least
  5. i would love to do a massive roller on any of these buildings
  6. seafood is tight too.. crabs, lobster, shrimp, catfish... mad good
  7. my fave food is all food moslty... chinese...
  8. sure.... just try that and see if it looks dope with your name... no need to ask... just try it... and if it look ill... then yes it works
  9. i beleive in god... and thats how i was raised but people think im some fuckin jesus freak animal... but im just a normal guy... i accually hate most christians cuz of the reason they are always so selfish and think their better than everyone... it just pisses me off... but i def belaive in god... cuz id rather belaive in something than nothing... and if there is a heaven, other know as paradise... why not beleive... its either real or fake right? id rather shoot for real... so whatever....
  10. lol my idea is to do what you do... if your a toy then dont be a post whore and what not... just read, read, read... learn your history and bomb... simple... not giving a fuck is the best idea
  11. Re: whats your fav graffiti artists saber revok norm ewok seaz vfr veefer vfresh novyork jazi daim trane lol jk
  12. war terror

    solo flyers

    - cell phone - all your paint and shit - dress lightly... not to dark... with layers to ditch clothes - mask in back pocket - eyes out for thugs - look out for pigs
  13. gnarls barkely is wack... listen to krs one... no doubt... moslty old shit...
  14. anyone ever use this? > http://urbandesignz.safeshopper.com/2/229.htm?777 senor and bst kids use this in piece by piece alot... i looked for bottles i stores and finnaly found it online... has anyone used it? the ink is decent i hear but ill just put do em dirty in it... i heard that was the shit...
  15. wow this cat is fuckin animal at this shit... fuckin dope son!
  16. if its a wall... if its a fuckin surface... vandalize it son! mad easy.... fuckin bomb shit huge
  17. wrap a cloth between each can... helps some what
  18. can you buy marsh and garvey in stores?
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