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Everything posted by screambloodygore

  1. thats my boy, kevin flys for free. his dad is on any given flight. watch movies. learn from them. ignore real life security checks. tell them "its cool, i'm a limo driver." and yeah i was just playing. sorry for lying. i hope your not mad. but i did get on a plane with out being checked once. even though i had my ticket. it just gave me ideas.
  2. i thought it was worth it. saved my self a bunch of cash. and it was fucking easy. they scan here too but do you ever just watch and wait? there are always open doors, someones not always looking, you couldnt get on some international shit but domestic is a go.
  3. that lank master was good. that front side wall ride to fall was big. nice little video of tom foolery and skating.
  4. i snuck onto a flight recently i couldnt belive how easy it was. print fake boarding pass. no checked baggage. waited till i saw a place i wanted to go and walked on behind the girls call station or whatever, would recommend.
  5. that clip is the worst. dude should have been killed on spot.
  6. so friday is after thursday? and sunday is after saturday? and the party is on friday? but something is going on saturday aswell? this song has me left in the dust such masterful word play.
  7. dudes legs were moving more silly then crazy legs.
  8. dude is a G. handcuffs them hoes. gets money. does whatever he wants. makes everyone umad, dude just does what he does. i just dont see why other lame fucks care.
  9. just had a big pancake breakfest. bacon, eggs, saus, and a beer. shit was great on a sunday
  10. those tits in the yellow bikini belong in my mouth.
  11. fashion fucks dressing like complete wimps. i feel sorry for their fathers. little wayne, that shit is the worst.
  12. too much fairy flyin' too many colors, not enough letters. really dislike this shit. some pieces in here are super good but this new trend of just do triangles and colors everywhere. gross.
  13. dude man, i fuckin like woulda like just fuckin thrown pocket sand in dat niggas eyes and got back to da party.
  14. so he does like to dance if i am correct?
  15. I played pool with this guy once. yep, now there is a cool ass story brother.
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