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Everything posted by GuerrillaWon

  1. As I sit here reading the responses to PGW's post containing what he calls a sneak peak into his life of drugs, sex and luxury... I sip on my coffee as I ready myself for work. There were no coffee filters for me to use this morning, so I pushed a paper towel into the top of the pot, filled it with coffee grinds and cut off the top. In between typing away on my Microsoft Natural Pro keyboard, and slipping on a pair of black Mizunos I recently acquired traveling across China, I ask myself, how can someone fuck up something so interesting? I find myself often sifting through useless bullshit on the internet in the mornings, each and every time regretting it a bit more as I rush out the door to not be late for work again, for no good reason. Sex, crime, drugs, money, Aspen, with the protagonist being a self-absorbed over-indulging arteest? That's quite the equation, but a lack of any actual writing skills unfortunately turns this story into nothing more than a literary assault on the intellect. I've been sick for the past two days, and I think this coffee has given me the shits. It's going to be a long day at work. The End
  2. As the great Unk would say... Now wahlk it out.
  3. Ahh there it is, and it looks absolutely delicious. My apologies.
  4. El Mamerro, you sir, are a liar. I have in fact leveled up my raps. And still? Nothing. I think we can all take this as proof that you are nothing more than a liar, and this thread to be supporting of the fact my leveled up raps failed to produce a burger, and therefore this is nothing more than an elaborate hoax, and that this burger actually sucks, if in fact this burger ever existed in the first place.
  5. Dear Prudence.... Won't you come out to plahaheeey?!?! Dear Prudence... Greet the brand new daaahaheyheeeeeeeey! The sun is up, the sky is blue It's beautiful and so are you! Dear Prudence!
  6. Well I remembah! I remembah don't worry! How could I ever forget? It was the first time, the last time we ever met! I can't see the burger.
  7. Also the cloud like plumes from the chimneys are changed in crazy guys painting.
  8. That's my guess. He said a rare phobia. He said remove all objects, so I thought just the earth and sky, plus or minus trees etc. The first picture looks like it's on a cloud, the second is smoothed out to not so much look like one. Plus it has less sky visible and the tree tops in the original that looks like clouds have been altered to not look so much like one. Then I read he said it has to do with water and air. I heard a *ding!* in my head. I got tired of racking my brain over it and am sticking with my theory until proven otherwise, but that's how I got to it, minus some minor details etc.
  9. I typed in jay-z and she flipped out on me.
  10. You should just probably go ahead and smash them all together instead of living in your box.
  11. I just ate a bowl of potato chips. I haven't eaten a whole bowl in like 3 years no kidding. I like em and all, I guess I just don't get around to eating too many of them. Just thought I'd share.
  12. I really wish all those guys was from the Congo and hung out on the block with some of the other Hutu heads. Dudes too rough for the life coast shit.
  13. Caring whether negatively or positively for what other people do, who I don't care for, or even worse, don't like, is ironically gay in itself. Whoa... gayola.
  14. I get it in my left achilles occasionally. It usually pops up randomly when I'm walking around, and lasts for about 2 days. It also happens about every few months for me also. It may sound like a lot of fun, but it's really not.
  15. oh snap, magicwords coming with some heat.
  16. I appreciate the compliment. I've always wanted to get into photography and recently decided to go ahead with it a bit. See if I can't figure what the shit it's all about.
  17. I just got back from traveling China for 2 months. All in all, Chinese people, I like em. I was only called a round eye lowai once. Being that a few of you seem to be Chinese, I just went ahead and assumed you care.
  18. Re: Have you ever smiffed and wessoned? In the white room with black curtains near the station. Blackroof country, no gold pavements, tired starlings. Silver horses ran down moonbeams in your dark eyes. Dawnlight smiles on you leaving, my contentment!
  19. Yea, I tried the sick thing a few times but it just wasn't working for me so I decided to stop doing it, and I've been feeling pretty good ever since.
  20. I'm brand new to photography and just started taking pictures about a month ago so please excuse any amateur mistakes. The only time I get out really is after work in the dark. I'm in the process of learning basic exposure settings etc. so that's that, and that's why all my pictures are usually in the dark hah! I also have no photoshop skills so I can't clean any of them up, ehhh, in time... in time... Damnit, I really need to find more time to get out during the day.
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