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Everything posted by GuerrillaWon

  1. Great. Red bourgeoisie or neo-high-society? Nice. I've always been a bit interested in this as well. I know a few people who have their foot in the industry, and I'm secretly a little jealous of them. You doing anything in regards to this?
  2. alright, that's a pretty good profession you over there in that black shirt what you wanna be when you grow up?
  3. ...writer. You better axe somebody. I was just wondering what everyones working for, if anything, in life? They tell you since you're young, to get into something you enjoy. Not so easy, but very very true. I've recently come to the conclusion that I enjoy both writing, and traveling. I've been toiling away at breaking into the travel writing market which looks to be not that big a task if I'm willing to work and write for free, and for certain "publications" within that industry. I'm basically weeding out the most legitimate, start up, travel writing websites that I stand a shot at contributing too. For example... I know Bojangles wants to write, and has been kicking some ass in that area. And I commend him for that, for just getting out there and doing it. I think a major balance when it comes to anything like this, is thinking about what you want, and then being able to switch over the the just fucking do it mentality. Bojangles has gotten busy in that very respectful respect. Not easy to do when you're the only one cracking the whip on yourself. Which is why I think he stands a fair shot at making something of himself in the writing world. I think ABC is all about tattoos and is working to become an established and respected tattoo artist in a nutshell, and is well on his way. I'd like to know what, if anything anyones really working for. And on top of that, if so and if not, what's holding you back? So I'd like to write. I'm currently trying to get into unpaid travel writing positions for experience. Give myself some legitimacy doing what I like. And the things that are holding me back right now is my lack of self discipline, which I'm starting to realize is such a soft, disgusting, juvenile reason not to get busy. So now in my free time, I basically "clock in" to my second secret job whenever I have a second. I'm just getting the whole treat it like an actual job thing down at the moment. Just getting fed up of not really being where I want to be. Feel free to contribute, ridicule, post totally unrelated pictures, just make it quality.
  4. How's the bonsai coming along broseph? You should be able to tell by now if you're doing something right, or wrong.
  5. Here's the best advice ever for you right now. In my opinion. Find the most legit bonsai person in your area, and buy your stuff from them, and build a relationship with that person. Really do your research. Like you were getting a tattoo, but you're getting a bonsai. I have a guy I drive 45 minutes to to get my supplies and bonsais from. He's also been cultivating bonsais for 45+ years. Both personally and professionally. I have a good relationship with him, and he literally teaches me whatever I want to know. How to pot, train, trim, etc. I can call him up on the phone like "yo my bonsais all fucked up it's ignoring me and listening to rap music and it's grades are dropping in school what do I do?" And he'll explain how and why to do exactly what I need to do to get it back on track. Also read, read, read, and get 4 more pre-bonsais, and expect 3 of them to die while you learn. But this speeds up the learning process a lot. my 2 yuan
  6. Some are actually worth reading. http://www.amazon.com/Underhill-Farms-Elk-Carcass/dp/B000IDOB5Y/ref=sr_1_23/104-0721154-5701564?ie=UTF8&s=gourmet-food&qid=1173397485&sr=1-23 http://www.amazon.com/Bobs-Red-Mill-Xanthan-Gum/dp/B0000CCZUO/ref=pd_bbs_2/002-2655636-8027208?ie=UTF8&s=gourmet-food&qid=1173207456&sr=8-2 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/customer-reviews/B000002UB3/sr=8-3/qid=ARRAY(0x58fc7004)/ref=cm_rev_sort/002-3634337-6436051?customer-reviews.sort_by=%2BOverallRating&s=music&x=12&y=8 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/customer-reviews/B000001FS3/sr=1-11/qid=ARRAY(0x574a1498)/ref=cm_rev_sort/002-3634337-6436051?customer-reviews.sort_by=%2BOverallRating&s=music&x=8&y=12
  7. Sparked my interest so I went out to find it... http://video.google.de/videoplay?docid=7045176162670036916 And hey, sharing is caring.
  8. Re: why do you guys constantly refer to women as 'bitches' even when complimenting th No I just read Iceberg Slims book Pimp on a 10 hour train ride yesterday. I need to make some scratch, I'm down to a fin and 3 slats.
  9. Re: why do you guys constantly refer to women as 'bitches' even when complimenting th It's the Iceberg Slim side effect of low income housing and broken homes. Plus it's cool. I usually find myself saying things like "I'm dandy to steal that dog bitch from that slim chili pimp with the 40 dollar vine. I bet I could have that bitch humping her bitch ass off by the end of the week, bringing in at least a bill for a saw buck drop. I'll cop some "H" and "C" we'll be flying by midnight at the caberet. Bitch's sure to turn a mean square trick, plus a booster to boot. Yea that bitch is bottom bitch material." We've never gotten passed the 1930's Chicago slums. Always remember, you can't let your new bitchs see your bottom bitch flip. They'll be sure to jump on the next thing smoking for some square. Stop being peckerwoods.
  10. They put so much money into promoting this thing. Best fight in like the last 5 years. De Le Hoya will win, forcing the rematch, Floyd will win the rematch, then they will have a rubber match, which Floyd will win. All obviously prearranged. They will get crazy paid off of this, and in the end Floyd will rightfully come out on top, and everyone will be rich.
  11. I'm all about it! Gimme a good knife and set me loose in the wild I'll show you some civilized savagery! But for real my dude, stay safe out there and make sure you can get at someone if need be. My boy Zach Weston is still somewhere on Mount Rainier in Washington, he's been missing since August 11th. Smart dude, but you can't slack a second. Anyways, just stay safe out there and make sure you can somehow always let people know where you are if you get into trouble. Look into this dude named Ray Mears, he's the truth. Try to find and download his tv series, Extreme Survival, World of Survival, Bushcraft or whatever. http://www.raymears.com/
  12. stunt you sonofabitch. I have gone years, yea years with avoiding that picture for a second time. And this guy out of fucking nowhere. Bravo.... braaaaavo...
  13. Beige boxed my neighbors house?
  14. Visit Ankhor Watt, and to be able to say with my last dieing breath, "I've lived fuck this place I'm outta here!" and mean it.
  15. I should be in the area, if you see your boy, punch me in the face! YEA! Or just say hi. [edit] Sweet Jesus Potato, I just realized you meant the Chi Southside parade. boooooooo
  16. I will be running around Boston for the next 3 days with my girl drinking and being merry. aiy! My Irish eyes are smiling!
  17. A great picture of a cat? http://hostmyjpg.com/viewer.php?id=arx1173278345n.jpg An interview with an 11 year old human shield? Putin knocked off another? Dead Russian reporter was investigating arms sales to Iran, Syria http://www.breitbart.com/news/2007/03/06/070306201334.qse2sfab.html I dunno, I tried. Off to work.
  18. I guess you're right, it doesn't seem like much a conversation peice. Just thought I'd share. To try and make up for it, here's how to get super close ups on some spots in google maps. http://blog.outer-court.com/archive/2007-03-07-n12.html
  19. I ran across this earlier this morning, it's a bunch of sketches of people riding on the NYC subway. With train date and time. Interesting to say the least and I enjoy the sketching style.
  20. My girl suggested that I try sleeping naked. I never have before, always slept in boxers, and started doing so 3 days ago. It's a whole new world. It really is that much better. Way more comfortable. And I'm not sure why, but waking up naked is awesome. Really try, I was skeptical, but now I can't imagine sleeping any other way. Nod out with your cock out.
  21. Get Rosetta Stone, and the Pimsluer audio series.
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