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Everything posted by NightmareOnElmStreet

  1. Was actually moved to a private group that appears closed but I sent you an invitation anyways lmk if you can get inside. If not I’ll have kilz help you out.
  2. Learned a good deal about credit last couple of years. That thread was maybe originally from raven and it was deep. Most important thing I have put in place that seems to work the best is to keep all revolving credit open and under 30% per card at all times. Too much information out there about keeping the entirety of your balances under that but I find it doesn’t matter at all and you will get whacked by certain companies with the quickness. So like using and keeping each individual one in good standing is the move. I have a lot of them at this point and it looks like apple and Amazon are the worst with the quick whacks. So even if you’re hella early in the month and you go make a big purchase fully intending to pay it off immediately before the next cycle they will notice and ding your shit. Others like amex or capital one seem to have a longer check period.
  3. Oh voting, for sure. local city shit if I ever vote again.
  4. I’m ok with that, kinda over it anyways tbh lol.
  5. What does it say about a person who doesn’t like a puppy?
  6. New addition. Super gnarly and challenging and amazing all wrapped up in one blanket man. Little bros name is Frankenstein! Picked him up over the weekend and I’m stoked!
  7. It’s all good cause now I just kinda laugh at myself when I catch it in the moment. Like nigga Shuuuut uuup you know you a soft ass bitch at night alone in the dark lol eyes rollin frfr.
  8. You know what it’s like trying to tuffin a kid up about being scary and still also being scary oneself?! (Fraud Ass Oner) lolololol
  9. Gotta do it fam. I had a similar experience with “Candyman.” Even though I turned into a giant horror fan it’s still the root cause of a fear of mirrors and darkness that I’m pushing forty and barely over. Personally I think I have a kinda cool edge being a dude who actually still gets scared of shit on occasion like movies or weird eerie shit. Haven’t even stepped foot in a haunted house in like 4 years. Essentially. For a tuff mf I’m just also kind of a pussy lololol. Watch that shit son.
  10. Never been a huge fan of these camcorder type films all except for Blair witch and the hell house joints. People love the vhs series for whatever reason.
  11. Damn, humans are such trash some times.
  12. Whole lotta assholes in the graff game for sure. It’s wild. Always has been.
  13. the beers in me caught heat at this immediately lol. Thinking in my head this fuckin guy is one of those soft peta weirdos who wanna assassinate people who get their dogs ears cropped. Then I chilled out. Good for your parents at not being soft. I cannot fucking stand the ear cropping argument for certain breeds. Or any really that are traditionally supposed to be that way. When I see a Doberman with a fucking tail or floppy ears I want to fight someone. I’ve been looking at primarily giant schnauzers and German shepherds and I keep going back and forth but one thing leaning me away from the giants are all the breeders (there are not many) don’t crop or help get you to said croppers and if they do it’s like a extra 1200. Meanwhile all there studs and moms or whatever have the traditional look. So you’re telling me you’re soft on the topic but you didn’t used to be clearly lol. So lame. Now. After having my son and not having him circumcisized for various reasons I do feel a way about altering the naturals of any Mf’s gentitals but A DOGS EARS FAM COME ON. Fuck off. If they done always had the look, fucking keep the look.
  14. Have any of y’all had German Shepards?? Not mutts, like the real deal?
  15. Oh snap hood general discussion here I think I’m picking up on work wear ideas lol. Overalls?! I been leaning and searching for the right pair. Trying to go for old school painter but like fresh g style not bootcut Chad style. Narrowing down a couple. All started looking for fishing bibs I think they call em. I need some of those too. What do we think of this shit lol? https://www.madepants.com/collections/overalls
  16. Shit be tuff and ruff mane. Gotta keep her head up hoe.
  17. Fist you’re a maniac magician on the electrical fam. Much respect.
  18. What am o doing currently?? Nothing really yet. I spent 250 on 13 two sided lawn signs which was way too much and I still haven’t even put them all out yet (facepalm). I’m a work in progress but I know what needs to be done.
  19. @mr.yucki haven’t signed on to anything yet but it’s definitely coming. Most of the nerdy contractor forums or podcasts I listen to and the one coach I know swear it’s the only way to scale and I don’t not believe them. Shits worth a shot but narrowing down the right company is a mf. Shit exists for a reason and I’m over being negative and untrustworthy just because I’m afraid of spending the money. Fuck that. I’m not trying to struggle anymore so it’s gon be what it is. Gotta try. I’m currently paying for top tier Bookeeping though to better understand where I’m even at and what I can afford first though. @ndvyoir homie isn’t wrong all the way. Google ads and facebooks ads are stupid expensive to be “competitive” but that’s the age we are living in. Case and whole point there are definitely other avenues to take on the marketing advertising thing but either one is going to run your pockets. Guerrilla style street level shit which is kinda what anybody on this forum oughta be used to in a round about way is a huge come up but you have to go like “all city” to make any sort of impact. Door hangers and random telephone post signs too. It can work but the internet is the golden ticket and if you ain’t hip you’re getting out seen by the dudes paying for that visibility. End of story.
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