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Everything posted by 100%juice

  1. Darks Hymn2 FBSK e2e some others. nice post.
  2. thats a nice miniridge tho
  3. just tell her you had a prior written agreement to be represented by another agent and that you just needed that one piece of advice. it is indeed somewhat customary to have a contractual relationship with a certain real estate agent. you can say the agent you already contracted was out of town and unavailable so you hit her up with the question, but you dont want to waste her time since you are already bound contractually.
  4. Jick is crazy with it, that Dash is way sick too.
  5. i know some cool dudes from rockford, tho i dont know if they ride bikes or not. when you sign up, it gives you three votes, you can vote three times in a row for the same project. when i started it was 46. now its 49 since i voted three times for it.
  6. i dont know shit about it but if i had to guess you could possibly eat something thats only partially meat to begin with. like a salad with some bacon bits on it? bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwich? im just guessing here. just dont start with the worst kind of super processed fast food shit.
  7. ..... you really got that worked up?
  8. got that fire Shore Drew7 FS and BA crews killin it
  9. meh. those superflats probably been sitting for a long time. hella grass growing up all over the rails. that picture is old and those panels are probably still sitting in that same spot. just sayin.
  10. good thread. i think my favorite kinda changes with the times. Mya Nichole def used to be into several of the different ones already mentioned here.
  11. that 5000 trains sounds pretty good to me. that and having a paint stash of all my favorite classic cans and colors. have a fine woman that listens and obeys.
  12. ^^^that last one. gotta mute that garbage tho.
  13. not having to use oven cleaner caps to paint. having clean water that i dont have to purify myself. bug spray.
  14. nice bench. those HLMX flats are real choice. Darks Beck on the pillsbury. that Heist E2E..
  15. 100%juice


    that Dumer is pretty tough.
  16. if you know some people and can get a decent price on the 94's they are worth it. depending on what youre planning to do with them.
  17. damn. girlfriends being gone. shit sucks.
  18. portland is pretty quiet but i definitely saw some nice rooftops around while there a few years back. it seemed like a pretty good place to relax and do nothing in particular.
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