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Everything posted by Bed.

  1. Bed.

    Spring Fever

    Bump for that last whole car. It as chilling in a spot in KY bout a month ago. I definitely burned multiple J's with it
  2. ALOOTTT of good stuff to look at in this one
  3. Bed.


    That Durag and Pepto is all kinds of kicking ass
  4. Heres some of your flicks dude, hope you had fun. ill get the rest later on...
  5. That last HIENA throw is LOOTTT
  6. The photos of the rolling lines are my favorite
  7. TAHOE ISTO HIENA WASP FST Good benching@
  8. ^^^^^^^^^ Yeah, shits lame as fuck.
  9. Bump for POST!! Big upps Those NEKST VIZIE schemes are hot
  10. WHAT UP GUYS Im gonna be down near Boynton Beach for the next few days. Anyone who is down for showing me around or passing a connect to me would be appreciated Im gonna need some smoke, a skatepark, and maybe a wall or panel! Shoot me a pm if youd be willing to help a player out. -NO TOYS !!!
  11. Fuck yeah, good thread. They are few and far between these days
  12. That last photo is a fucking banggerrrrr Bump that and bump DIAR - (( Hope dude doing alright, havent caught an update lately. ))
  13. ^^^^^ Right Not even that big of a deal. Kind of funny actually. The dog looks fine. Maybe if it got decapitated there would be a better reason to bitch/ WE WOULD HAVE A WAY BETTER THREAD
  14. Looks like a fun place to be! Accompanied by a J and a deuce! ^^^^^^^^^
  15. Bed.


    ender ender ender ender ender ender ender ender ender ender
  16. that ABELS joint is looking fucking nice!! Thats a good wall
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