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fat ralphy

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Everything posted by fat ralphy

  1. yo why does it have to be some fucking limey reading the shit - goddamn. at least get a japanese homie, i feel like that is pretty reasonable. not loose wizard at all
  2. @Schnitzel blasphemy! moderation is the way brother - the only time ones hates pizza is when one hates themselves for eating too much pizza. side note, that skate spot looks fucking fun as hell - I would love to skate it
  3. this on topic in my opinion EAF30345-83A3-4C85-AEB7-B934DD4081DB.mp4
  4. @ndv nope - that said, I do like the browser - good recommendation.
  5. 06221840-0DD2-465E-99B4-390E62EF3AC4.mp4
  6. no such options on brave or in the app on iphone
  7. that one is good, I wish oontz let you save videos. not possible right? I tried in both the app and Brave - trying to send it to my lady haha
  8. 5 kids and 5 baby dad between two chicks - and they hating on dudes pants and being accountable in a relationship. Wild. Me and my chick share locations with one another - generally check in for the most part too. What you guys think about that?
  9. @SukiSukiNowhummm baby!!! All tied up in the 6th - LET'S GO GIANTS!!
  10. B67AF24B-8DDF-457A-A438-7B6921CBDCD2.mp4
  11. @LUGRnaw - i noticed that too when I was sitting there. Some type of woozy linty type shit. @cancelculttouristi cleaned the plate closest in the flick - had like 3-4 bites of the pancake that my girl ordered.
  12. Yep - totally done right. The animation style is so sick and they definitely are keeping true to classic samurai cinema. I am into it.
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