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Everything posted by metronome

  1. metronome


    Kenneth Copeland hit her with that Wind of God.
  2. Never used it as a base but I've used it as a dip before with a basic white sauce/garlic/mozz type pie
  3. metronome


    My man nailed that dismount honestly.
  4. More of a flat bread I guess but close enough.
  5. @Diesumy dad was born in Wallasey so not exactly Liverpool proper but close enough for us North Americans to consider it so haha
  6. Love that Neon Raptor branding.
  7. I'm Canadian but this is my philosophy too. Local politics more significantly impacts my day to day life.
  8. Think of all the things we learned along the way though. Whales became dogs, how to make krink, you can put just about anything on flatbread and call it pizza
  9. metronome


    Hard agree. Take your time with it!
  10. I was reading about that and the Donald isn't her next of kin and likely wasn't executor of the will. So her kids likely okayed that. Completely morally bankrupt.
  11. The way to do it, if you have the means, is a skid steer with an auger attached. The two man gas powered auger sucks because like @LUGRsaid the blade catches debris, it's a lot of up and down so its a shoulder pounder and it bucks around on you to boot. I've never done post holes with a manual digger so I can't compare, I only know that if somebody ever asks me to gas auger it with them I would have to think long and hard about it and ask what's in it for me.
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