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Everything posted by OSA

  1. for a min that freight looked like cope...they def ripped that shit from him...
  2. i think rusto fat is the loudest..and pink dots and those really fat caps are pretty quiet
  3. its good...i was practicing that song a while ago..but i stopped..but why is it in the metal heads? the song wasnt metal..haha how long hav you been playing? and where did you get the backing track?
  4. :D ok thats one of his pieces that look different....most of seak's stuff is like your shit...i will post it here if i need to prove my self..but i guess most of the people already recognized it so doesnt matter.
  5. that dude MENACE's shit looks just like SEAK..if u dont kno who seak is he gets down a lot wit daim
  6. huh? theres a king and queen of hobo?? how do i vote????
  7. hahaha but no disrespect..but it looks wak..nobody wants to see shitty back door tagsc
  8. OSA

    Midwest shops

    damn kid..you are gonna get burned.
  9. got caught, and now i've got criminal record...thats part of the game..
  10. OSA


    does anybody have pictures of wanto's pieces or throws? i dont know anything about japanese graff scenes..but his handstyles are sick
  11. ^ obviously if you ask the seller..he's only gonna tell you the good things and lie
  12. wow the 2nd one looks wak also...at least the 2nd one got better writers..
  13. OSA


    i hav some questions... how chill is painting at night japan? in major cities like tokyo, or osaka how bad is getting caught there do regular people care if they see you painting?
  14. :lol: for real... theres no newyorkgraffiti.com..and why should houston deserve their own graff site? when 90% of the shit is garbage.. if i offended anyone..then go join houstongraff.com, gather up with bunch of wak writers and do something lets keep 12oz real..
  15. saint's sketches are fresh...
  16. dope sketches....i thought this thread was gonna be about flicks of burned books in ahes..
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