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Everything posted by BullshitTantrum

  1. after reading those last 3 posts about being a molested molester and not really much of the rest of the thread, just beat the shit out of him.
  2. man i just assumed the majority of va was hill billy mountain land. and isn't it divided by west virginia and everything else virginia? east coast....welll maybe just ny, where people talk act and do everything else normal.
  3. the first time i did it i blew half cause the kid that gave it to me told me its just like oc's you'll be fine. i had a great 15 mins an hoped an wished for death for a few days
  4. you tell em one of there boys from albany pee'd in my fuckin house at 5:30 in the mornin like a dog. sloppy c'mon son ask the singer of that band about gettin "volcanoized"
  5. 100 mgs when you got a thick oc tolerance is about right. better than subboxone. fuck that shit
  6. mesure twice cut once. when in doubt, run fast and don't look behind you. scare the shit out of your friends daily just so they know you can.
  7. cro fuckin mags are playin tuffalo October 24th fuck yeaaaaaaa the homostupids came through a few months ago an played they're first song 7 or 8 times in a row. every band from cleveland with steve or shawn thats come through ups the amount of assholeness one can achive. its impressive for this town.
  8. yea i think most people would gladly take medicine from a pharmaceutical company than a corner boy on the streets. its really funny where people draw the line in the sand over a drug thats basically the same except who you get it from and how you do it. my tolerance is a bitch. i've been craving downers ever since i wanted to kick em for good. shucks.
  9. this is the weirdest sentance ever to me...nothing personal but i hope your wrong. i just picked up these also at the civil victims show. anal warhead ripped too.
  10. its a pretty good stratagey to make your kids not turn into alkeys when they're in there 20's. force em while they're young, when there old enough to have fun they won't wanna do what ma considers fun.
  11. i have chronic back pain and also fucked up my hand so i was self medicating with many many many opiates all at the same time and the only thing that really works is to use it when absolutly needed. i take one or two 7.5 mg hydracodones in 3 day intervals for a couple of days then i don't for a while. i figure its not the best but not overdoing it and giving my body a chance to flush it out before putting more into my system will help keep my tolerance low. fuck oc's. might as well skip the middle man an just get some heroin.
  12. get nitrous tanks guns and friends. sell to rich neo hippie hipster kids at phish/grateful dead parking lots. buy apartment complex buildings and maintain them till you can pay someone to do so and then collect. or you can have a regular job and get an IRA, if you make it to 60 then maybe get some guns and some land too.
  13. not so much a musical, kinda like jesus christ superstar though, one of robert downey sr.'s most epic films: this is a musical but nothing like jesus christ superstar:
  14. anyone see the full version of metropolis yet? i missed the screening they had near me and have been regretting it ever since.
  15. you were vegitarian/vegan and you don't eat salad? thats probably one of the reasons it costs you so much to maintain your diet. you have to diversify. lentils, rice and beans and alot of greens. to each there own i was just sayin you can eat pretty cheap on a vegitarian diet if you know what to cook. i just eat shitty unhealthy food though so what do i know.
  16. keyboard gangsterzzz your so fuckin tough. have fun wifing white trash whores bitch.
  17. WHO THE FUCK CARES ABOUT TRASHY HOES? you gonna catch feelings for her? drunk old slut. fuck that bitch. that kid didn't need to say shit. the article said some girls mom read about it on a phone so you know the whole school fuckin knew. oh and thanks for propping me tough internet guy.
  18. snitching on her? she pretty much put herself on blast. its not a crime for a dude to get a blow job from an ol lady so its not like he gives a fuck. i wouldn't. "yea teach gave me dome. big deal."
  19. aqua teen hunger force is made for acid. if your on it that is.
  20. a good rule to live by is don't go to ohio. coming from somone who grew up there. do yourself a favor and if you do go to ohio go here instead: http://maps.google.com/maps?client=safari&rls=en&q=xenia,+ohio&oe=UTF-8&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=Xenia,+OH&gl=us&ei=CmJHTLG6IYSdlgf4-M3sAw&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CCYQ8gEwAA look for this kid
  21. voetsek an nimbus perissix is playin here tonight gonna be dopppeee
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