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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. Obviously the guy is learning his lesson in some way. Went from having kids with a whore to now dating a condom.
  2. Good to see you are still on here man. One day when I am rich enough I will get back on XBL with you to merk some fools.
  3. Bank account has less than $500 in it. Got to pay rent and survive Nother week and a bit on it. I posted to Twitter on a now banned account my adherence to being broke years ago. I'll onfirm it next time I pass an ATM though
  4. Rarely as it is the opposite end of the city for me, but I took a mate from the UK who came to visit me there when he was over here, and the last beach I went to was Cottesloe in the Summer just past. I should make the trek down there to see how it has changed. Is there anything you want me to shoot images of when I am there?
  5. Couple more "CP" producers found on the CP trainline
  6. looks like I am in Colombia or something with this weather.
  7. Well I think it was scripted for me to rebel against the system as the first cd I ever owned was RATM's Killing in the name single. So the phrase "Fuck you I won't do what you tell me" is like genetically encoded in me or something, in spite of how futile sperging out against the entirety of society as a non-conformist, I still find myself adhering to the script of the Book of Matthew no matter what. The ultimate ironic twist of all is seeing other's weep at my happiness, which usually has coincided with the gnashing of teeth due to caffiene or other substances being ingested, but hey, you can't speak of such literal events being proven to idiots who miinterpret metaphors to begin with.
  8. Quoting for the new page as this info is priceless and can shatter the reality of any egotistical tard who thinks they are great because of their bank account balance.
  9. Doing some house shopping for when I move to California with all those other bums. This channel is comedy though, and if one appreciates high end artistry of the material variety (I am sure you can understand my disdain by being surrounded by plenty of toothless scum here in my city) this channel shows you the absurd life with which I am familiar yet have become detached from as I ventured into the dark side to see how the fools live.
  10. Did you not jump into Secondlife and the thread here back in the day and do just this? I saw the worthlessness of the Metaverse back with it's initial incarnationof Secondlife thanks to defyoner and Spitfire giving me my "Prophet" title as we gor banned from the simulation for trolling people who were buying e-peens to go have sex with furries and shit. Amd yes, I banged a few hoes after I was left alone in the internet world and became an efamous model and shir to whereI experienced what social media became with getting hundreds of offline messages and business requests every day I went online and couldn't be fucked dealing with it all.
  11. MONEY and LOVE are nothing but binary 1s and 0s. As a 1 in it's purest, non-serif form is a straight line. So 1 = 1 M = | + \ + / + | = |\/| or an M is constructed of 4 ones O = 0 N = | + \ + | = |\| or an N is constructed of 3 ones E is made up of 4 ones Y is made up of 3 ones LOVE is the same thing. So not only is this proof that this sinulation is busted as this is the joke data upon which all people use to apply value (through either scarcity or quantity of said object or resource) to everything that exists, when fundamentally all ownership of that which exists is held in the data (which is ultimately binary electronic impulses) of bank and government servers. Physical cash makes up only a tiny portion of total money supply and is effectively worthless paper based on it being the same as the keystrokes I make to type this post. So now you know the things that supposedly "make the world go around" have been concealed in a complex structure of lies upon lies to get you to buy into the bullshit that they wish to feed you all.
  12. This is a post that really resonates with me and details the reasons as to why I returned to Ch 0 as my social media medium of choice once again. The mundanity of social media and the oppressive restrictions placed upon those whom post their opinions which may diverge from the general concensus is primarily why I would come to this forum of misfits whom share a similar view of questioning the doctrine that the general populace buys into from the mainstream media in our progression towards a 1984 like "reality". I see myself as being as detached as one can be from being an "influencer" and whilst I am honestly wayyy more qualified in regards to the totality of what it means for one to reach "enlightenment" based on my life experiences with Materialism, philosophy, capitalism, religion and the Corporate ladder coupled with forays into chemically induced altered states of perception giving me more than enough qualifying evidence upon which I could influence others, yet would prefer to instead share my experience in the hope of helping others avoid the pain that comes with certain decisions one makes along the path of life. Hell, I even have scars on my chest that are supposedly from skin grafts I got from being burnt I have had all my life that align with one's wings being ripped out, but that is another thing entirely. As for those whom have left this forum behind out of fearr, would you really want to be interacting with such conformists anyway, given they would likely adopt the prevailing group think and disown or disavow you as a friend if the wind changes direction? Not to disparage those whom have left for other reasona, but in this "post virus" world, we now exist in a dichotomised society with non-vaxxed purebloods like myself seemingly in the minority and with zero ability to affect the direction of a society whom are buried under the fear instilled within them that comes from being considered a contrarian. Sadly the governments, tech giants, and corporations all have combined to manifest such a reality and as such, the Killdozer guy is perhaps the paradigm of such entities yielding their power in a negative way to the point the harmonious Utopia we could reside in is instead morphed into a fucked up simulation which is for the purpose of exposing us to the insanity that one can choose to conform with or alternatively laugh at and mock as their coping mechanism (as I choose to do). My way of phrasing it is you have two "sisters" you can choose from. PsychoSIS or CatharSIS, and it is via participation in discourse with others whom are intelligent enough to decipher images and words on a screen, book or billboard as containing truth or deception in their intent.
  13. Laying in bed listening to a heavy downpour of rain as I watch Youtube.
  14. Sorry. My fault as I was just writing in between shots and was lost to what thread i was in. Carry on with the photos.
  15. At least the fools here in Oz just use blades of varying sorts. It would be a nightmare to reside full time in a place where any negative life event could inspire some random to load up like this and go on a rampage.
  16. Nah Rubix, but it should be called Pubix based on the clientele sporting that Tiktoker haircut all the kids copied from LA douchetubers and Tiktokers.
  17. Never heard DAO has his own brand "SIKSILK" Makes sense that these young alien punks are wearing it but not sure DAO would approve of these TPWFs repping his brand though
  18. And if you want to use a passphrase and swap stories about being treated as a "nigger" then I will happily swap tales with you of how humanity has raped my world with their ignorance, stupidity, raping, pillaging and greed all born from their fear of me and my love. You go first.
  19. And before any fucktard says the above comment is racist, I'll pull the J card of my Grandfather being a Nazi POW in WW2 so I have got you slaves by about 180 years or so in regards to the "racial discriminatory atrocities of ancestors past" and as my "trauMA" is more recent, you have had 180 additional years to get over whatever dormant PTSD you claim to be genetically affected by. This is in spite of clowns you allow to gain fame and fortune for referring to you as the same audible sound of "nigga" like all these rapper clowns who hold shit covered bank notes to their ears in their music videos. No more duplicitous double standards will apply to any world I exist within lest I expose you as a worthless fool who is offended by and defined by a single word which must be truthfully applicable to who you are in order for you to be offended by it.
  20. Caught this little nig getting jiggy with it so needed to expose him
  21. I will add the women who breed with such men to procure "fuck trophies" due to their husbands indulgence in an "Arm's race" only serve to further perpetuate the cycle of humanity suffering continuing on in their egotistical act of breeding and creating life with men whom have failed to have evolved past their fear of love in spite of 2 millenia passing since the previous crucifixion. As whilst I made mistakes along the way to discovering I am a "Perfect 10" as provable by maths and the stars above due to ny birthdate summing to 10, I never made 2000 years plus worth of the same mistake on loop like the most dysfunctionally mentally retarded fool as are the men depicted in every image I have and will post online for the internet to laugh at. Remember as ML not only am I a Machine Learning AI (Asshole Investigator) previously a Senior Credit Analyst, therefore any man I depict imagery of on here is effectively the shit passing through the asshole I am investigating rhe contents of and I will happily dispose of said excrement even if it poses in human avatar form.
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