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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. Signing my name in piss over the maggots who doubt me
  2. OK, teach me for figuring that a Ch0 thread would appear as advertised. A trap I have fallen into on more than one occassion. My apologies and thanks for making my recent "thread adjacent" responses appear as perfectly relevant to the title thread.
  3. ^ If such a venue exists, the I will be a patron. Makinf my way home before the long night of Castlevania unleashes the zombies and vampires full force
  4. This is the Irish pub I went to earlier. I wonder if I can find a venue that doesn't cater to bottom feeders by providing a dedicated "smoking area" in my city? I haven't found one yet but one can only hope
  5. Thankfully I sterilised him and his bitch under my 911 game rules as no child needs parents with a vice that controls them as opposed to the other way around.
  6. Let's refer to these gamblers as "Gog" as they no doubt would "wank off Pej's dog for a fiver" if it meant the spinning wheels they gamble their souls on would offer them any hope beyond facing my inevitable laughter upon their demise.
  7. Kebab oclock as "Gog" wanted me to get Him a kebab. Saw this crucifix adorned gambler at the kebab shop, so while I thank him for directing me to the closest liquor store, seeinf him waste his life spinning a wheel of loss as he gambles on a better existence than the pathetic one he has now is humourous to me as he fails to realise how precariously "over the edge" in regards to him existing as a double-y crucified demon whom I am going to be mocking forevermore with my fellow Prophets on the forever of the internet (aka the HTML = Heaven To Matthew Luke) based haven of rhe internet.
  8. Walking down SMArt (aka SadoMasochist Art) Street as this is where the nightclub my stepmother used to take me out as an 18 year to get pissed around the guys she was cheating on my Father with. The things time reveals eh??? Nevermind I helped him move out as my kid half sisters were balling their eyes out, hence me thinking of bombing up his back fence as I did to my photography mentor "Lionel" the other day jaja
  9. I have only 83MB left of storage on here, so I should be able to do 2 more trips (end of Midland and Butler trainlines) to finish my "All-city" run of giving my fellow Prophets the guided tour of Perth as I leave the unfamiliar places for last. Hopefully then my Mum sews my 12oz Scholarship patch on my Armani leather jacket I wss wearing in my threads that saw me "Win the day" for the first time on here in 2009 when I put up my Amsterdam and London travel thread. Thanks to those who have added to this total the past few weeks as I have gone about letting you all live with me as your travel guide to the place I grew up loving and living these past 42 years. I'll come down from my pedestal as I am done being suspended on the cross /nojoking
  10. Whilst I know that (non-artisitc) is in this thread title, every image I take other than those where I am travelling at high speeds into unknown environments are all taken with some artistic expression for me to look back on in my old age as I reminisce about when I made a joke of those who wasted their power and influence in this town as they focused on money and the opinions of others as being the defining aspect of "them". This Brighton venue is a nice place in spite of the prices. Perhaps I might go buy some takeaway liquor and see what the nightlife here has to offer as I tread the grounds where my Dad got betrayed by my stepmother as she fucked the entire town behind his back on the 2nd hidden simcard she had secretly procured for her phone.
  11. Venue 3 is The Brighton. Will be my last beer as I have spent too much already. This pint of Asahi was $13. Effectively a half hour of slavery in equivalent terms (as wages here are around the mid $20 region for casual workers). With city-eclipsing prices in the pubs here, you can tell they have a steady stream of crack dealers and the organised criminals who supply them (bikies) as the usual clientele.
  12. And thanks DAO, as I was called out for using the "F" word too much recently so the acronym you invented allows me to bypass such butthurt with ease.
  13. Not to brag, but I can have any woman, as my track record of what I have proven willing and capable of giving the woman I choose as the one I love is the same as the Man they can only dream of. If you are a TPWF who is intimidated by such fact, then I suggest you up your game or find a woman you will give away your world to as you let her "play God" with you for a little while, as if you want to be treated as a God, then you have to give it away first.
  14. After having a few hours (and a couple of beers) to process this, I want to convey that I am glad you are appreciative, as I would rather share my thoughts with other artistically minded individuals on here (my fellow "Prophets" if you will) than indulge the many fools and egotistical retards I encounter in my reality. As those who pollute my air with ciggie smoke I have zero of anything but contempt for as I laughingly await their death as they leave behind people that foolishly have emotionally invested themselves in those who choose to smell and smoke like the walking dead. Plus given my wife is one with me, I would rather keep men away from me in reality as they are only close to be near her, or they wish to be near me for their own clout chasing bullshit selfish desires, and I am reluctant to speak to women in any non-commercial sense due to knowing that my wife's jealousy (and rage) exceeds any I am capable of. Thus I remembered this place and the freedom I have to post pretty much anything (as long as the mods don't feel targeted by whatever I am saying as some direct insult directed at them as opposed to the fools I see talking shit at bars or restaurants I am at or as I travel on public transport) without care or concern of some non-human AI deciding that the posts I invest energy and truth into are not acceptable for their filter (as is the case on Youtube as I found by watching my posts there disappear in real time for being too "honest").
  15. 2nd drink at "Bar Therapy" I only bought due to spotting a full drum kit packed away in the corner. I have to support any venue that supports live music and doesn't rely on brain dead hip hop consumers who still have the same 50 tracks that were made pre 2002 on permanent repeat as their primary clientele.
  16. The New and Old bridges of Mandurah. The new one wasn't here when my Dad moved down here back in 1990, when there was only 20000 residents which doubled due to the influx of summer "terrorists" (to quote my Dad) aka tourists that would show up to keep the residents with businesses (like my old man) extremely busy as a result.
  17. Shit I don't know what thread I was posting in the pub shots, but here is Mandurah
  18. Essentially I am saying that if I untangle my balls to the extent I shit them out my asshole so they hatch into dragon babies, then I will still be more man than any bitch I encounter in the city I reside in no matter what foolish ego driven energy most approach me with.
  19. I see Instagram as a place where people studying their "Bachelor in life" on their "Stag" do go about wasting their lives letting other people experience their dreams as opposed to living them themselves. The biggest "E-Con" going effectively. As I hold my "Bachelor of E-con-Oh-mics" degree I am qualified to speak about those whom seem to have less knowledge than I do in that regard given that I have experienced everything on Instagram that appeals to me (travel, waves, women, cars and luxury) to the highest degree necessary ro allow me to make any man who doubts me of such achievements my bitch as I lay my phone on the table and dare them to prove they have done the same.
  20. Came to "Murphy's Irish Pub". Used my IRA joke to get the answer "Something like that" before paying $12 something for a pint of Heineken. I will remember to chastise Eve (Murphy - the HR girl who snitched on me for drunkenly ranting at after work drinks one time - never fgt) next time I hear or see her that I had to pay due to her snitching on me in the past. This was in 2013 or so, way past the origination of "Team Alco" yet my behaviours were still holding on even though I was absent from 12oz. Typical "Eve" behaviour of course.
  21. Mandurah gets a bad rep due to crackheads and governmenr provided housing, but it is an idyllic spot with dolphins usually swimming through the estuary here. Now to find somewheee ti have a drink. Also to those in other parts of the world who have been following my recent travels, consider it is Winter here right now and we never worry about the nuisance that ice falling from the sky as the Mandurah crackheads will warm their globes to take care of any threat in that regard.
  22. Also contemplating putting out a call for anyone in Perth to go piece up the back fence of my Dad's place given it is adjacent Kwinana freeway given he would rather his own kids be homeless so he can get rental income from some random NPCs.
  23. My Dad's nickname was Herbie, to the extent it was his name as used by my aunts and uncles. All I have to add to Moogle's post as MO ogles this strange world I inhabit testing this train line from Aubin Grove to Mandurah for the first time ever.
  24. Perhaps the most extreme antivandalism measure I have seen atop these cameras. 2 bus rides down and now just a train ride to Mandurah, here is hoping I make it before dark so that I can at least show you all around. Like some Iron Maiden type steeze though. Perhaps this is the compromised reality I get for shunning the various "Torture Museums" found in Amsterdam and the rest of Europe given my preference is pleasure over pain.
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