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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. I would encourage you to give a listen, and I'm more of an Ozzy fan myself, yet Jorn Lande and Russell Allen kill it on those versions, and given that Mike Portnoy is on the drums in AMOB this alone should make it worth your time.
  2. I truly LOLd I'm still pissed that making what is an "in Joke" between friends that sees this descendent of the Scottish MacLeod family isn't allowed to make a Highlaner reference in said joke. I think it must have been the fact Queen did the soundtrack, as if jokes are now illegal, then this world can get the AIDS (AI Death Sentence) from Me
  3. I can't wait to go to court, IPhone in hand, take a photo of the judge presiding over me and literally "decapitate" him to his face to iterate my point of how my joke went over the head of those below Me in the comedy game. When he or she sees me crop the image to realise I was being honest, truthful, and joking in intentions far beyond the realm of the "retards" who complained about Me doing nothing but "vlogging" and "talking" on a train I will not only own any "Court" in this land but anyone who thinks they can ever laugh at Me more than I am already laughing at them right now. Rant over
  4. FWIW and for the record I told the train cops that I'm the literal incarnation of Luke Skywalker as my ID can verify and I'm tired of TPWFs "coming" for my head like stalkers and I wish to be left alone. As that is my 2nd warning to law enforcement services, 3 strikes will see somebody "out" for testing me, my tolerance for bullshit, and my patience any further. And if anyone chooses to see me, a "react channel" of life guilty of self imcrimination, I invoke my right to refuse to incriminate myself and as such shift the blame upon those who retard Me from living free of the monetary shackles which restrict Me from travelling the world spreading My love and appreciation for cultures that differ from Mine (which exists here and I am being punished for making jokes about right now) in the places they originate from. I'll keep on fighting the "evil" suppressive regime with My superior God given intellect as I literally "Rage against the Machine" and the binary based datasets which restrict my freedoms of living and sharing the life I live with everyone else in the form I believe we should all experience it. I refuse to be "Matthew the Tax Collector" living welfare shit to welfare shir (as all my life is "in check" given I have sacrificed enough of my focus, time and energy into ANALysing the flaws od the human species such that my advice is being ignored for maggots to attempt to still ANALLY (LY = Lie) violate Me with their fuckery and bullshit to the extent that I'll happily remove such experiences (and all potential future ones) from them if only to drill the point of how worthless money and my life is if I am stuck surrounded by "fuxking r3t4rds" every single day. Anyway I have said enough to justify whatever happens next. Over and out.
  5. Effectively I begged my old Director for work today to avoid demeaning myself to being a "stop/slow" lollipop sign holder, as humanity has proven to be populated by "Hoes" I see as lower than Me. For Me to get paid to rub it in their faces as opposed to contributing to society in a more functional manner leaves Me seeking new opportunities that are fiscally denied to Me, and I will leave it to the audience to read between the lines as to the extent to which my care for those I will forever and legitimately view as soulless NPCs has eroded their value, given I can't even send a girl I know in Philly a video of me mocking the fools here without getting financially punished and further "handcuffed" to where a jail stint which sees me taking the precious tax dollars as I live a life of a jailed Man ready to murder anyone without concern as I amfinanced living a bill free, tax free, rent free and food and shelter provided existence as these idiots slave away to finance it. Last thing I want is to live up to my moniker, but I'm getting pushed to the extent whereby waking up to Grindr, meth addicted and infused Fs being the first thing I see in the morning as I wake from bed and get breakfast being no different to any prison as the illusion between being in Purgatory and actual prison becomes non-existent.
  6. And in case anyone wonders about my alcohol assisted animosity towards the "reality" I experience as a result of others I share said "reality" with, trust me when I say, no bills, no interner, and any maggot trying to fuck me in a prison cell will be copping a shank to the head straight out like I shanked the maggot who tried to "George Floyd" Me as a 11 year old kid only to end up with a snapped off John Wick pencil in his shin back in 92.
  7. And for the 1st amendment "Freedom of speech" warriors out there, my speech has been impeded by "The Man" in this instance to where I will be financially "retarded" by $100 for making a joke. Now you undertand why I hate what this city has become as the Australia sense of humour is lost thanks to retarded fucking immigrants.
  8. I got pulled up by the train police for apparently being a "public nuisance" as the people around here fail to realise or understand the Australian way of being sarcastic for saying I can (metaphorically) decapitate any fool I capture on video via my 60fps iPhone 14 I can screenshot any single frame of and crop to size. I'm more than happy to go to court, state my ID as being the literal incarnation of Luke Skywalker, and destroy the state appointed $500 per Ho U Are lawyers with the literal truth. The joys of being a Genius in a city full of jealous retards whose entire tall poppy syndrome afflicted existence is based around "cutting me down" aka "retarding" Me.
  9. How do I link pics I uploaded to facebook via my iphone to the oontz? Gracias in advance
  10. So jt appears OMB has escaped the rat race based on the pics posted. Has anyone else been so lucky? I have to ask as I feel I have escaped the rat race yet am trying to re-enter the corporatocracy in order to fund the final stage of my escape plan, and am on my way to meet My old boss to see how I help facilitate such an event.
  11. And while I am happy to be a "fool" (if you can't tell), I will go for Jorn's version as my preference for today.
  12. Well if it wasn't obvious, my initials are MOB and this Black Sabbath album that has my Initials on it was made in my year of birth 1981. So even though the "mobs" who prowl around Australia are what it spoken of in this song (locals know), it doesn't refer to Me, the one Man MOB. With this said, I can't pick my favourite rendition of the song, as while the original shall always rule, given Dio and Lord Iommi, my other favourite rock vocalists' versions are just as good. So which one does 12oz prefer?
  13. I am still trying to understand the psychology behind these types of people who put in so much effort to be noticed as they turn themselves into living memes yet they are outraged if you so much compliment them on the achievement of their attempt to become unique actually sees them become more a member of the sheeple that use identity politics as their weapon. And I say this as the biggest self-memer alive, from having my email signature name as "MattRia" (Matthew and Maria combined), to my Luke Skywalker-ing, my Mormon-esque wearing of a garter belt on my hand, and other such tools which make me the Main character of my anime as opposed to these NPC stereotypes. The difference between Me and such types, is that I not only own how I self meme, I laugh about it when I do it as opposed to unleashing rage and using being offended as my weapon to denigrate others having the ability to laugh as well. And FWIiW, I did have midnight blue (almost black) long hair in the mid 90s after my attempt at bleached hair went almost silver during my punk rock surfer teen days, so I had tried a "blue hair" style 25 years before they have goneand ruined it's reputation forever.
  14. I like the direction this thread is heading, although I expected to be paid out for wanting a pair of $10K+ sunglasses as the fact is that the sentimental value to my core identity of my "self" is worth way more than $10k symbolically. Plus I wonder how durable these Matthew Luke O’Brien ones are to the oretty much indestruuctible titanium variety?
  15. I'm listening to this one on Meditation to try and go back to sleep as it is 4:07am as I write this. Repeated listens only make the knowledge contained within only more valuable in time as hidden nuggets of gold will stick with you each time you revisit the knowledge contained within. There are lessons on Criticism Religion And Evolution leading up to "We are One". Anyway good morning or night, here is hoping my nose isn't so blocked when I wake up lest I be looking like Rudolph or some shit.
  16. The cold and flu meds I took to sleep allowed me 4 hours of peace whilst I resolved and enacted justice whilst showing who I truly am inside the dream world, as irrespective of which side of the WAKing dream I am on, I am always the same loving man whom eschews the Devilish tendencies which are lie within us for the one born from My love for myself and othee. As such, I feel compelled to post this video as being a video I will try to always have downloaded to my phone which I share with uou here as being perhaps the easiest way to return your prsent focus to the "Zen" state to which You, I, and I am sure others, all seek. While this entire "Under It All" video series is perhaps the quickest way to learn from the Man I look up to as being a philosophical role model, mentor and teacher that seeks perfection in his craft to the highest degree possible, a Man who not only follows the formula of success but has researched far beyond what I could do Myself could have done in my lifetime, A Man born on 6/6/60, who not only had "The Dev" as His singer at one point but also played "The Devil's Guitar player one meets at the Crossroads"aka Jack Butler, but a Man whose most popular song is called "For the Love of God", but the Man who reminds Me of who I am and that I could cop a visit from Mr Butler if I forget it and thus keeps me humbled as a result. And most of all a Man unafraid, like Me, to honour His inspirations and cite the teachers fromwhich He studied and learned as We all "Stand on the shoulders of Giants". So I hope that you can losten to these podcasts if you are getting into the Upanishads as this Man wrote a song by that name, if you needed any further proof to understand the importance of how "The Most Important Question" as detailed here, is key to achieving what His protege, and My Brother from another Mother "Devin" wrote a song about and you mentioned you seek in "Zen" with the band Strapping Young Lad. Because if you don't ask the Most Important Question of yourself, trust Me when I say you can imagine fucking yourself with the biggest strap-on that exists which is the weight and size of the entire world, as perhaps the warning that proceeds You from my attempt to orevent anyone having to worry about "Mind fucking" themselves due to failing to Love themselves and those like Steve here, who express their "Love" through artistic mediums that enhance the life experiences of others as opposed fo dragging them down. So thanks Steve. You really were right about my hands being as valuable as yours, as while I didn't realise at the time I would be using my hands to type these words of gratitude for helping making Me "The Best Me I can Be" as my way of saying "I love You & this World more than I can ever Hate it", proves that not only were you right, but that "The Secrets to Love are revealed to all, in time" as the last song on Passion and Warfare "Prophesised" so to speak.
  17. Truthfully I'm not going to be of much help in this regard, as in the following months of my sunglasses magically splitting (as you can see in the attached pic the stud on the missing half is still perfectly lodged in the nosebridge and the missing half which isn't pictured, has the full attaching piece with circular hole for the stud), I have subsequently broken 4 pairs of sunglasses and a pair of 3D glasses I used to cut down nighttime glare as I watxh Youtube in bed. And I can no longer recommend Oakleys for no longer offering the tuneup servicing of X metal frames which lead to the problem of my frames breaking into 2 pieces fo begin with (as gaskets inbetween the titanium pieces wear out over time). All in all I learned that I need super solid metal frames that will last me, as I break plastic shit too easily after being able to throw my titanium Juliets around without worry for the past 25 years. I went to the Oakley stores to even replace a piece of the Flak jackets 1.0s My brother lent me which I lost due to sitting on them accidently, only to be told I can't replace it, and that the 2.0 generation is all one piece. Online forums seem to indicate this is due to a takeover by Luxxotica and a decline in the brand, but overall I have nothing but positive things to say about their products except for this dwindling in support of what I would say is a "lifelong customer" like myself who invested into $500 frames back in 1999 which was a fuckload of money for the 18 year old, broke, unemployed uni student I was at the time getting $180 a fortnight to live off of as my government study allowance. And I think glasses and sunglasses and the frame types are so specific to the individual and their head and face shape that it is hard to recommend any specific style beyond going to a place and trying a load of glasses on to see what you jive with. Whilst typing this, the memory of my friend and I going to Harrods and trying on all tbe designer frames only for me to not care about any of them beyond My Juliets is a sad thing to reflect on. Anyway I didn't want this thread to go the route of being focused on one thing, but rather I wanted to see what other's want in their life as with the life experience of the collective here, perhaps our combined knowledge could help in the acquisition of said goods.
  18. Well my only response to this is that you must have been young when this song came out and your child mind was still processing the overwhelming amount of data we get fed as "reality" such that a misinterpretation like this can be forgiven.
  19. It's about the journey (life), rather than the destination (death) and how fast you get there is irrelevant. I love the fact you know what I'm talking about when I say that such experiences should be mandatory for all "Men" to experience with the Woman they love at least once in their lives.I also love that one of my favourite Ch0 members (being you T4M*), a Man who survived and persisted through what I can best descibe as the Biggest "Trials by fire" that I ever saw on here or anywhere on the internet to have prevailed to where you can post proof of you having owned all the haters no matter what. This is truly something that I am not sure if others can remember, but I can, and the fact you not only went through that yet are still here keeping the heart of this place beating a decade and a half later says all I need to know that when the time comes that we are ever in the same place at the same time, I will probably cry tears of joy (hell, I'm getting teary and emotional typing this post - mist be suffering from Men-No-Pause or some old Man type of shit). The only thing I have umbrage with in those pics is that bodykit on the Lambo, as I see such modifications as being the equivalent to taking a artistic masterpiece like "The Nightwatch" (as you are a Knightbat, I figure a painting have seen IRL makes the most sense to refer to in this case) and taking a big, fat, sloppy, diahorrea shit all over it. Whilst YMMV, there are plenty of other cars to modify and augment but Italian supercars are not something that can ever be improved aesthetically from the way they left the factory. With this said, how did you find the McLaren driving wise as a comparison? As I was offered them (would post pics but out of storage space) instead of the Lambo, but a Huracan fit me like it was a part of Me I never knew I was missing until I got inside of it behind the wheel to play Forza IRL. With this sais, I'm getting back to my Neon Wand electric charging as I go full Revuelto Hybrid mode to try and repair the hyperspace time continuum or whatever....
  20. ....material item I wish to "own" in my life is.... ......this https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/374678135812?hash=item573c8ea404:g:FLMAAOSwvQ1kR4DQ If only to make up for the original bronze pair I owned that flew off of the neck of my shirt whilst I went on a spinning swing ride at a day rave I attended in 2010 or so, the most recent black on black pair I bought as it was the very last pair of the discontinued line the Oakley store had during a trip with my wife to Melbourne during the spring racing season which disappeared when I left it on a table with work colleagues to have a piss at a pub, the emerald lensed pair I had that vanished from the loungeroom table after my gay half brother had some crackhead over to smoke meth with him in the early AM hours, and the half of the blue lensed pair I lost when I was doing my half Romeo/half Juliet identity politics self memeing as the other lens magically detached from the nosebridge pin somehow as I did a "Solid Snake" roleplay to fuck with people. If you can't tell, I have a great attachment to My Oakley Juliets, as not only have I bought 4 pairs of them (which is 1/5th of the value of this golden pair) but I have worn them for 25 years as of next year so they have been like a part of "Me" which is now missing. And I will be getting these 24k gold versions before I die, as to Me, these sunglASSEs represent more than just the superficial sum of their parts, but rather a crucial and defining aspect of Me and my character and personality as an uncompromising and discerning indivdual who loves what he loves for reasons far deeper than the outward aesthetic would indicate. If I could add more files to illustrate how I have has these sunglasses with Me through the ups and downs of adulthood over the decades as I traversed the globe in the different incarnations of them I possesssed and legitimately acquired only for them to end up wherever, pisses me off no end to think that some scumbag has either sold them for drugs or has found the half of a pair I lost and intended to fix only to have zero use for them without the other half. As such, this is the ONLY material object I desire in this lifetime of mine, and whilst I would be more than content with one of my lost pairs getting returned to Me, I would rather get the Golden pair to see this world as being better than the place whereby I had 2.5 pairs vanish due to the actions of other people whom I share this world with. Plus it would shield others from incurring the full spectrum of my scorn towards the fact I'm deprived of my ability to protect them from my Thermonuclear lazer eyes due to my sunglasses being taken from me. Yet given this, I'll happily "Cyclops" or "Superman" lazer eye any asshole with the full extent of "The Sun" Xmen style from now on guilt free given my 4 attempts and $2000 sacrificed to save people from such a fate has been squandered. Feel free to put up whatever materialistic object you desire or intend to own in this life, and feel free to spare no expense.
  21. Well after asking the question "What would Johnson do?, which is a question I always ask myself when making "Real life, indecent proposals" such as the one presented in the OP, I think that his advice about supplying you with "some slaves drones" which he advises to "milk them until they're dead" means you should go for it and report back.
  22. Given this fucked up flu I have, it's like a demon has mounted the back of my head and is shooting Peter North sized loads through my nose, anyone have any fly remedies as my head feels like it is fucking imploding right now.
  23. I am fucking sick with the flu, waking up for the 3rd time tonight to cough what is effectively demon cum out of my nostrils. The price I pay for going to a course early on the coldest day of the year only tk have to sit outside until the place opened with 100 other people
  24. One word . Karma. Yet if you believe we are in a simulation and you are just fleecing NPCs with too much disposable binary data that has been compiled to designate money, then go right ahead. Sadly my beliefs fluctuate between the above such that I would elect not to do it as I know I would have to still live with scamming people on my conscience, and the goal (I believe) of life is to exist without regrets or even potential regrets at having done the wrong thing by the others which serve as not only out existence proofs, but as the scapegoat we can offload all that we do not wish to actually be (murderers, rapists, in this case scam artists and such) from within the scope of our infinite potential for committing acts of good or evil.
  25. I have no idea. I'm sure you could find a remote spot in the desert or whatever, but most of the people I know who hunt like friends from school always went to private properties to do so from my understanding of it.
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