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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. I find that earbuds end up pushing wax into My ears. I went and had a wax removal last week where they used a vaccuum and whilst it isn't as relieving as getting an ear enema that ends with your brain getting flooded as a wax balll shoots out, I still found it gave Me goosebumps. I recommend it.
  2. Thinking I may have to make a career change due to getting no work at My current gig and think I may try to work in a sextoy shop so I can encourage more butt funnel action. With this said I told My Mother I wont travel to South America until she has passed on given I would no doubt bring back a Colombian wife with Me as well as the fact she would stress out too much due to hearing about some Aussies killed in Mexico recently on the news yet explaining to her I have been to San Diego and its proximity she got even more mad about the idea.
  3. I did not choose way back when as I was postin from Oz yeT given I know lamp on head I guess I end here
  4. Still not sure what this thread title means yet I am glad My posts on such forums have been nuked given I hoped My account deletion would unleash an EMP that would erase all storage on all devices of any hypocrites who would NEVER access such sites or content.
  5. Where are these Saint George memes? Gonna have a banana mayonaise sandwich in tribute to GF this evening I think.
  6. Que Rico is usually a positive thing when it comes to sex no? At least that is what I thought based on My interactions with Colombian females?
  7. True. Whilst hoon culture is embedded into the Ozzy yobbo archetype, even when I had My V8 SS I still never did any burnouts as My mind couldn't justify the expense on tyres clutches the engine and whatever else could break as being worth a few mindless seconds of entertaining Myself or others who wished to retard My bank account balance being positive.
  8. I caved and reinstalled Youtube after 7 or 8 days off of the app. I may make a video and provide a view of what I see or not.
  9. Ahhh explains why we had them here too Never thought of the conditioning part though, good call.
  10. Less wrong than being a sex offender though right? What actually did this guy do beyond film people having sex without the 2257 documentation make shitty music clothe hoodrats in the 90s and change his name to that of a Nintendo ape? I refuse to click links as I seek to tidy up My algorithms not pollute it with Diddy's sexcapades so anyone wanting to provide cliff notes it shall be appreciated.
  11. Is it wrong that since I always think of Diddy Kong from Donkey Kong Country I always think of a monkey whenever Diddy is mentioned?
  12. I went back to My Mums place ~40 min drive from the beach to grab My bedding stuff she washed only to learn tomorrow is a public holiday and nothing I have to do at this part of town is going to be open as I should have stayed at the beach and gone for a surf in the morning. I need a new legrope anyway so probably I should wait to surf until I get one.
  13. Seriously I can understand trying this 30 years ago but in today's society there is zero chance of this ever working from My understanding of the parameters of the universe and trackers etc documenting everything we do.
  14. a Massive Hawaiian pizza from the MOA place I wrote about in the other thread. Thing has made me want to pass out as was My intention behind consuming it.
  15. Yobbos Couldnt imagine doing that in todays society with bystanders all standing round filming what is effectively a crime. Given the envy and jealousy pervading society all it would take is one of the filmers to do the dirty and you are fucked.
  16. Out for a Sunday session at a place on Scarborough bch named MOA Trying to find an untainted woman who doesn't have the permanent reminder of a thousand pricks penetrating her is a mission My younger self had no issue with yet in this polluted sea of fish there is about a 30% chance at best What a shame that todays fathers are fucked and never showed their daughters enough love that they permanently choose to vandalise their temples with ink as taggers do on trains.
  17. I have smart invert turned on for reasonsalssariq one of which is the images make you wish you are not spending your time watching a screen. It is working.
  18. Eating Taco Bell that has yet to be served before I do more elearning modules for work I haven't been getting perhaps due to shirking the elearning and a water corp induction. Might head to rhe beach for a surf as well.
  19. So you are teaching your son he can drink anything he wants as long as it is a Corona right?
  20. Amazing what they can do with animation these days based on Transformers one. I would recommend it to people with kids as it sets up the characters as a prequel to the 86 movies. Now I am finished with it I may use the zolo to get the Touch on and unlock My ipad.
  21. About to witness the new Transformers movie at the cinema. Here is hoping I dont burst into tears and leave as I did back in 1986. wonksaggin
  22. Bruz sorry I didnt see this until now but I spoke with Raven directly yet I may grab one the spare off of you in future finances pending given work has given me like 6 hrs total this week and I just serviced My van today so I shall let you know.
  23. I also will never play Lotto again because I am against gambling and as I live in the West I would prefer to not get into any "draw" that sees things come from a barrel like one would in a quickdraw shootout in a Western. Should have learned this from Back to the Future yet oh well. As Fat Mike sung "Fuck the kids" and fuck the kids playgrounds here built off the backs of Lotto losers.
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