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Everything posted by Drue_Down

  1. I can't edit my previous post.. so here is an addition: The last scene is not Tony looking at the door thru his eyes, it is looking at Tony thru our eyes. We did not see the door thru Tony’s eyes then have it cut to black, we are staring at Tony and it cuts to black. Life goes on for The Family, there will be a tomorrow, but the viewer will not get to follow the exploits of the Soprano family, we were killed off. This has always been the essence of the show. "Real life." Not everything works itself out, there are a lot of loose ends. In the end, life goes on, there was no need to wrap everything up. In fact if they did, it would have been a lame ending, simply because it would have been unrealistic, basically, impossible, and a horrible reflection on life. There was not going to be a big blowout at the end, because life does not work that way. Sure many things happened in the last few episodes, and sure more will come in the future. (but we will not get to see it) What we got was a glimpse in time, a snapshot of Tony & his family. The show was always about life as mobster, everyday stuff. Dealing w/ your family, your stupid probs in life, highs and lows, and a lot of boring drama. It did, in a way, have a happy ending. Tony gets out of therapy that was not helping him, AJ went from emo to a jr. Tony, Meadow is going to become a lawyer, prob get married and have a boring life. The wifey is flipping another house, which is her passion. The NJ situation was worked out, and the FED turned out to be a crooked scumbag just like Tony, as if he is a part of the crew too. Tony's sister will finally get $ for doing nothing. Phil got his. The End. ***** THE VIEWER is not a real character (I should not have to explain this) We were not physically sitting in the diner, nobody in the diner had a reason to kill us, but we were watching his life, the whole time..... And just like getting whacked in real life, you may know something might happen, but you never know when it is coming. That was the surprise ending, we were waiting (distracted) for Tony to get killed, and surprise, somebody for some reason pulled the plug on us.
  2. Despite the thread being hijacked.. I'll still go with the original topic. I have no clue what the nickname for Phoenix is, nobody actually seems to be from here to ask.... My guess is "Valley" ? when you tell people where you are from within the state, if you are not from Tucson or Flagstaff, you say "I live in the Valley." Blah, who gives fuck anyway. I've been here almost 3 years & I still say I'm from Chicago.
  3. At first I was disappointed during the 6pm showing, but after I had a few hours to think about it, then rewatch it at 9, I figured out what happened. The VIEWER was whacked, not Tony. Tony had a discussion w/ Bobby about dying, and supposedly all you see is black and hear nothing. Some think this was supposed to signify Tony getting killed, but it is not that simple or cheesy. The last few minutes in the Diner scene, the tension is mounting for the viewer. You see time is running out, you are eyeing everyone in the restaurant. Everytime the door bell jingles you look up. This is the world of Tony, never knowing when someone is gunna whack you, constant anxiety. However, Tony was pretty calm during that scene. The only one who was anxious is the viewer, and while WE spent all of our time focusing on Tony, BAM, lights out, we got whacked. The last scene is not Tony looking at the door thru his eyes, it is looking at Tony thru our eyes. Life goes on for The Family, there will be a tomorrow, but the viewer will not get to follow the exploits of the Soprano family, we were killed off. I like it.
  4. what are you all talking about?!?! Tony getting whacked was awesome, too bad the whole family and all those other innocent people had to die too. Best episode ever.
  5. I like this one better: FUCK YOU BALTIMORE!
  6. Concerts are for teens, hence, I can't stand them. I enjoyed them for what they were back then, but now-a-days I cannot stand crowds; especially crowds of trustafarian teens. I still occasionally make my way to small venues, but everything seems to be more of a hassle than fun. Really the only thing I go out of my way to see live anymore are comedians.
  7. 6am.... yay. It's 12:30am... I've been drinking and playing poker all night.
  8. Re: Paris Hilton Is Getting Out Of Jail Al Queda (illuminati - cough cough) attacked the wrong city
  9. If somebody actually watched that show, they might be offended. until then, yawn.
  10. "10,000 lakes - multiple choices of where to drown."
  11. Only beat by 2.5 hours, anybody could have made that mistake in such a tight timeframe. :rolleyes:
  12. where'z teh graffz shops??? you'll need Montana.
  13. CA is going to fall into the ocean one day.
  14. ^^^ He should shoot himself, like all other emo chicks.
  15. ? Today, we are going to teach poodles how to fly!
  16. How come nobody ever travels with gear? I stopped bombing years ago, but every time I go on vacation, the first things I pack are markers, streaks and caps. Paint can be had anywhere... Hell, K-mart stocks Krylon for under $3 a can. You don't have to be a paint snob and bomb exclusively w/ Montana, unless you are just trying to sound all hardcore, nah mean?!
  17. Re: I want to see you, yet again That pic smacks of the MS paint thread...
  18. Drue_Down


    "the 808 kick drum makes the girlies get dumb"
  19. Drue_Down


    Tupac is gunna be resurrected on 7-7-7. Be-leed-dat
  20. 12oz. - well, that's what I do.
  21. Re: what happened to all the hockey fans? i mean jesus. they are polishing the cup to Maybe if they aired the regular season games & playoffs on channels other than something in the 400's, y'know a channel that more than 12 people get, people might begin to care again.
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