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Everything posted by freakeenyc

  1. that night something special happened,
  2. i came to creep before i sleep....ohhhhhhhhhhhH!!!
  3. SketchbookExpress is pretty solid. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adsk.sketchbookhdexpress&hl=en
  4. sticker concept is alright, simple stylish and readable. the hand needs to be simplified and spread apart instead of being one giant thing. legibility is the most important thing your looking for, style comes secondary.
  5. this shit cray..it isn't alchemy tho...upon further research it just metabolizes toxic compounds that have gold in it, into pure gold. still cray...fucking bacteria and shit!
  6. dope^ i have no more markers..lame
  7. went stupid with the fill. liked the plain outline better.
  8. or we can stop posting pictures of people regardless of how we feel about them. /maybe that's just me.
  9. yyeeeee hecs posting here again! havent been sketching to much, here's the last thing i did to get back into the groove.
  10. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/victim-miami-zombie-attack-graduated-manhattan-stuyvesant-high-school-article-1.1086770 the victim graduated from my high school.
  11. i personally think its OK to use something that is pretty established and out there, and incorporating it into your shit, because it is apparent that it is a 'bite'.Like Mone said, niggas use Bode chars etc. By the same token Tesk 'bit' the galactus character on the same page and was not called out? it's wrong when it's something unknown to most and therefore it's like your claiming that it is your shit cuz no one knows about it. here's an example of me doing it wrong a while back and doing marvel chars out of my ass. and heres me using a reference.
  12. damn perts smh?! why u biting OG sports for?!
  13. and here is the opposite of clean..
  14. you two would make a great couple, if you were also a celebrity.
  15. ive done a few bio research studies that involved using a computer and following directions specific to the task for like 20/hr. but i have not done anything that involved taking medication. this has been a useless post, sorry i couldn't help.
  16. unfinito. i'm kind of sick of using this tiny ass moleskin.
  17. sper! those two in the bottom! this is the TOYest shit i have done in ages, thought I'd share. I tried to go more abstract/wild then my normal formulaic letters..i like the F and kind of teh R, but it goes down hill from each subsequent letter.
  18. not bad, seems like u ran outta space for the L.
  19. i got serious add, cant finish anything, always end up on a new page with a new outline. i really wish i could come up with a next level outline as well, all of em are coming out too similar.
  20. zen since ur using a black outline, i'd use lighter colors for the fill. just for contrasts sake. and um yea overall its good, there is definitely room for perfection..ie the overall width of the E is less then the other letters..if u can rock these out quickly and perfectly you should definitely try to work on differnt other fonts or just your own style
  21. as a 25 yr old indian nurga or asian, i do not have a drivers license. failed that shit the first time around.
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