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Everything posted by freakeenyc

  1. Google translate can help u converse in real time with a lot of languages and if u take a pic of something it can automatically translate and superimpose the translation on the image
  2. Would you believe that I never did coke or learned any instruments?
  3. Was an outline for an outline battle on instagram that i ended up coloring
  4. Spacing of the letters is key too. They seem smushed. And like even consistency of the bars. Like the left bar of the a is thicker than the right bar. And heights. The second a is shorter than the other letters. It's all about consistency and learning how to break it there after
  5. I'm addicted to watching things while I'm eating or needing to do something at the end of the night to balance out a miserable day.
  6. yea for sure that makes sense. too many dead links in the long term. attachment worked fine on the phone.
  7. I forget which worked better attaching or linking images. So testing this out
  8. The Postal Service album. just cuz it gets me nostalgic about college times, when shit was simpler.
  9. equip maybe focus on making the letters all have the same heights and spaced appropriately away from each otehr. having said that the one in the bottom right is the best of the batch for me. has a nice downward sland and spacng and letters thicknessare coo.
  10. some random ass marker set in barnes and knbles
  11. ohhhhh shit thats solid always wanted a ooontz sticker for my books.
  12. solid stuff dudes. good to see familiar faces
  13. Being able to do solid clean simples like its straight out of a computer or advertisement is another good step.
  14. Assie make sure the letter heights are consistent. The letters get smaller as u go right to left. Also looks like the ass is capitalized whereas the IE is lowercase. Consistency goes a long way initially
  15. Anyone wanna battle? choose the word, and ill be down.
  16. yea deos that last one is solid.
  17. dear oont\, sup homie, hope this site starts to revive soon, missed you oontz, it feels good to be able to log on again, frk
  18. yoooooo ruckkusss feeling the last three homie!
  19. where are the flics buddies? its taken years to get this finished?
  20. solllid sketch dude. feeling the funk
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