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Everything posted by freakeenyc

  1. i see it after knowing what it says, a lil two abstract? for my taste... that Rusto thO! gives me a figurative boner
  2. SPER, your E is just way bigger than the rest of your letters hence the negative space and awkwardnss of it compared to the other letters. I personally think there's a big gap between the top horizontal bar of your E and the middle one..just moving it closer will help with the negative space, also a lower case e can also work.
  3. quick simple on the train.
  4. have not been inspired at all recently..just going through the motions.
  5. Datsik practice some simples...i see alot of inconsistency in ur letters.
  6. gatdangitquizm i got's trypophobia, so that made me itch like hell just watching that.
  7. not a fan of the E and wish the A had some sort of connect atthe top(if anything it looks like a really dope H.)..but that style has some serious potential...also since the left side doesnt have those bit extensions, its kindof offbalance. @spex. work on simple letters. @nuchef....roner?work on ur 3d, its off in several spots, work on making ur letters not go ontop of each other like the N which covers the r and o...probably would look better if the letters were all the same size as well @doodle... good throw @ trampstamp. that life is pretty cool. its hard to distinguish the L and I tho(probably because of the I). f and e are solid tho
  8. an updated version of an old sketch...yes a lot of the arrows feel forced.
  9. simples are THE most important part of graffiti imo.
  10. i always thought this was one of the best things in boston. location size etc.
  11. holy shit sats! fuck my lack of coloring and color scheme having ass.
  12. coloring an old sketch another unfinished..told myself that id never do an outward 3d again, such a bitch to do.
  13. haha i know it says show, but once walid said stick, i can see it that way too with a lowercase T and I it works both ways solidly.
  14. when i traded sticker back in the day I would either A: Not care about my address being given out B: use another persons name if paranoid C: Use a friends address, who is not graffiti related for those concerned with maintaining anonymity
  15. hahah holy fuck that happend to me this year. my jacket fell onto the treadmill so i kick it slickly forward out of the way meanwhile, my phone falls and flies backwards. i casually proceeded to pick it up, pretending to not notice the several people surrounding me in their treadmills, and pretended my phone was ok and 'listen'ed to music on it. /coolstorybr0.
  16. tumblr is worse than flickr.... ie http://priimal.tumblr.com/
  17. shhhhh he doesnt know it but he's actually lenny kravitz.
  18. shower with my glasses on. play music whilst showering. use my phone whilst shitting. take long 20 min shits to make sure the stomach is empty.
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