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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. thats such a rad flick. dudes gotta get 10,000 points to open up the rest of the tunnel haha. dude should totally try to nosepick one of those pipes. just picked up a pair of Fallen Revolvers (billy marks signature) for 20 bucks, originally 65. and my buddy grabbed a Creature that came with a sweet koozie, good day. crack,chupa,noes,anyone else.. im down to hit the pool soon, maybe this weekend, this weathers melting all this snow real quick, so we miht not have to do to much shoveling. i'll try and check it this week and see what we're dealing with.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIa3bX11pmI&feature=related
  3. word is fritz mead kickflipped into that. which classifies him as a savage. dudes in that video make that shit look so easy. cant wait to have a crack at that thing again. hail cardiel.
  4. Fractures had a hard time following In Place Apart. but i still think killing the dream is awesome. have not heard the new New Lows, liked most of their older stuff though.
  5. nollie inward heel front nose was sweet. front tail at the beginning was cool too.
  6. probably will never watch this, because im sure it doesnt stray too far from All About the Benjamins, which i enjoy. Mike Epps and Ice Cube together are some funny bastards though. HAHA. WHAT!?!
  7. i had to put down my family dog of 12 years last night, best dog in the fucking world, never barked, never bit a thing, loved sitting outside in the grass rolling around and just taking in the nice day. chasing 8 tennis balls at once not knowing what to do. dude was way to human, dude was the fuckin BEST. R.I.P.
  8. word, im intrigued, probably gonna look into it.
  9. forgot how batshit crazy this movie is haha. wait a minute, we were attack in the ocean... ocean.. sea.. seadogs.. dogs hate cats,. we were attacked at C.. uhha! Catwoman! Maniacal plan Robin. you know batman, an awful lot of porpuses jumped in front of those torpedos. they gave their lives, so we could, bring down this, dynamic team of evil and madness. to the batcave!
  10. ahhhh, i figured it was either that, or basically the same situation but Jackson was a angel, but thats probably just because he started talking angels, and i thought maybe itd be one of those movies where you find out hes a angel at the end or some shit sent to save the dude. word, good book though? worthy of reading, or am i probably gonna hang myself afterwards haha.
  11. whats that all about? i've never read it. watched the trailer, and am kinda juggling a few ideas of what i think it could be. i like the Great Gatsby so i never returned it in highschool, same with Slaughterhouse 5, the teacher still has 1 of my books, and i also had Sidhartha which was her personal book but she got that back about 2-3 years after i graduated ha.. so it worked out i suppose. same teacher explained to the class what a pearl necklace was figuratively, and sexually, that was a interesting day in english. "hey guys wanna learn a new a way to bust on your girl if she doesnt want it on her face, give her the ole pearl neckalce!" ..is basically what every dude took from that.
  12. yessir! boneless fs 3s are my shit the past year or so.. i had to show kids at a park one time what a fastplant was, they saw me do it and was like ??????????????? the fuck was that?? some of them werent even that young either, and no one knew what it was.
  13. ha maybe i had a few myself nightmare, i feel likw ieve seen varial 180s, but they mau have been reverted like you said. andy roy ! hah i think it was the MATT ROGowski that made me think of it.
  14. varial flip 180s look sweet, varial flips alone not so much.
  15. http://www.thankscamera.com/ some friends, and friends of friends, and people around the way and all that. you can find it on the front page of 12oz. tried to powerslide that whole hill at 4:22 and made it about 1/3 of the way down, you go faster than it looks ha. and that dudes arm in the first part is ALWAYS broken.
  16. agreed with crack, but thats probably cause i cant do a lot of them haha. skate fast and die. wasnt Mark Rogowski the dude was talking about banging dudes in the ass all the time in prison?
  17. haha, i already read anything that seemed interesting. it was 5 bucks and made my book buying a even $20, figured why not.. much, much more into the Nietzsche. Chubbs how is Guns, Germs and Steel, saw it while i was buying those other books, looked kinda interesting.
  18. been poking at this a little bit every night. just bought these, been reading this since i got home. got this too, except its some other version.
  19. hahaha, its really easy to do that there too, i've done it numerous times, slam into the ramp and flip into the foam pitt ha. i guess theres a new indoor park being built up in Nashua, NH. i think people are starting to realize how much the winter really kills skateboarding around here, more and more indoor parks are popping up.
  20. ya on the other side of that wall on the left is a whole other kidna street course, a half pipe that stretches most of the building with a half shell thing at the end, with a foam pit tucked in the back corner, with a couple other random ramps you can see in that flick. unless they changed it since last time i went there. foam pitt is awesome, but gets tiring quick when your constantly climbing out of it.
  21. haha fuck yeah, rape that coping shit. did not know they went untill midnight on saturdays, thats fucking awesome.. i might be down for that, i'll let you know.
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