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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. I’m definitely taking out a minimum of 60% of this forum with that load out.
  2. Well done. Actually watched both of those for the first time in the same sitting.
  3. I’ve heard of people using it to kick other opiates. I have a love for painkillers. After an accident many years ago i was given Dilaudid through a PIC line for a couple weeks. Then Morphine and Oxycodone. Then Oxycodone and Ibuprofen. Then Vicodin and Ibuprofen. By the end, about 1.5 years later, i found myself taking more Vicodin than i probably needed and more often than i should have been, so i flushed it all. The next couple days sucked. Can only imagine what kicking a hard opiate is like.
  4. They Shall Not Grow Old.. The behind the scenes stuff was really cool. His personal collection of World War stuff was pretty awesome. He used weaponry he owned and gear from the war to make some of the noises, definitely worth a watch if you haven’t seen it. Edit: for instance they placed microphones in a field and actually laid down some mortar fire in the field to get the proper noises. There was also some footage of some men about 30 minutes before they went over some hill. I believe 3/4 of the mean died if not more. So it’s the last time many of them were seen alive and it was on film.
  5. Ok, i thought about it after and didnt know if that was part of the joke and i had just missed it, haha. edit: message is for sure the same. Anytime a military movie comes out i see it as propaganda. That said, the Peter Jackson documentary where he put to color and normalized the footage speed of the WWI footage was pretty fucking awesome... trying to remember the name i’m probably going to have to look it up.
  6. The main problem i have with this meme is that is not a real German film, haha. It’s from Inglorious Bastards.
  7. Pretty sure the only movie that guy is in is Marked For Death so it has to be Marked For Death. Edit: Hint: i know it’s not Marked For Death.
  8. Ya, it has opiod properties. When you buy it there’s usually warnings like “dont exceed 5 capsules in a day.” That sort of stuff. I’ve taken it but always small doses 1 capsule a day and such. Usually the calming effect types. I’ve read if you take enough you can get a similar effect to morphine and thats when it gets dangerous obviously, or when mixed with other stuff.
  9. Mostly false, a lot of grey area here. Person below has a kid going back to school soon.
  10. Nah, sadly i haven’t lived in Colorado in about a year now. Louisiana made it illegal again. Kratom is still legal though so we can feel free to OD on that all we want.
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