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Everything posted by xen

  1. TOR isn't very complicated and reasonably safe. It has some legit uses besides finding some sketch hit man, drugs, or kiddie porn. I have bought legit acid off the silk road but that was some 2 years ago and before it got shut down. No way I'd trust it now. I have a VPN and am an exit node for TOR. No worries here. http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2014-01-23/tor-anonymity-software-vs-dot-the-national-security-agency /onlymoderatelytechsavvyoner.
  2. xen


    One of my good friends, old drinking buddies, dude taught me how to paint and was a true inspiration with almost six years of sobriety. I'm talking heroin, booze, pills, every skull and crossbones in the room he just put down but I guess the demons became too much and for whatever reason, he jumped off the wagon. He has a broken neck they had to remove his spleen has laceration to kidney and adrenal gland. Whole left side rib cage and collar bone is broke. He had a collapsed lung. Right now he is in a six hour surgery to plate his ribs. He rolled his truck right after he left my house. I feel like a complete asshole for letting him leave. Fuck it all i guess.
  3. xen

    Head On!

    I am still confused. Apply where?
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mREu8TmByIM&feature=youtu.be
  5. I'm feeling that Common album. http://www.folkways.si.edu/
  6. ^so that's how i get to be part of the 1%. #Occupy12oz and fuck the "new layout." if that shit's the future of 12oz, consider it pop. 7
  7. http://www.broadcastify.com/listen/feed/2418/web
  8. you could play sarah mclachlan behind a special olympics victory and it'd be enough to well up. Glad you had a good time up there. I still talk about going every year but every year life just gets in the way. I've never really been out on the rails full time, maybe a year straight at the longest but if it makes you feel any better, everything I didn't figure out first hand, I garnered from this thread and took every bit of it to heart so in a sense there is at least 1 of us out there that still respects the traditions you and the other old timers handed down. The modified ALICE pack was a godsend and there isn't much more than a few ashes to indicate anywhere I've ever camped. I would have to be in dire straits to hit a moving car but feel confident that I could. All you can do is try to educate the kids and hope some of it sticks. It worked on me. *e Still gotta try that pizza soup though. and fuck these plastic folgers cans.
  9. Who can I learn about how to smoke meth?
  10. Found this under the house when replacing the floor yesterday. 2 Dollars? That's insane!
  11. ^^No shit. I was hopping rear units in broad daylight, not giving a fuck in a midwest winter. You are indeed a king of kings.
  12. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jul/15/vagina-selfie-for-3d-printers-lands-japanese-artist-in-trouble Igarashi has said she is on a mission to “demystify” female genitalia in Japan, a country where thousands flock to an officially sanctioned annual penis festival in Kawasaki every April.
  13. xen


    As much as I wish I could say I made it, I didn't. Had just over a year but I am drunk as fuck now. should have hit a meeting instead of a bar. I'm not really sure why I got drunk today or why i don't feel bad about it.
  14. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! from this to this
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