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Everything posted by xen

  1. I have 3 invites for https://mutracker.org /mu/tants got butthurt over no xmas freeleech at what so they started kicking the dirt looking at the ground and start their own tracker. It was almost immediately taken down from obvious security flaws. They may be getting it together but we'll see.
  2. They have suspended the ratio requirement and torrent inactivity scripts until this shit clears. I could have got a cinemageddon invite but didn't think i'd use it. might have to get in on that.
  3. https://whatstatus.info/ DDoS 'd for about 10 days now along with PtP and BTN. The tracker is null routed until further notice. Also http://www.whatinterviewprep.com/ but they are closed ATM until this shit clears. Maximum users: 200,000 Enabled users: 154,915 Details Users active today: 37,837 (24.42%) Users active this week: 61,241 (39.53%) Users active this month: 109,189 (70.48%) Torrents: 1,843,036 Releases: 767,630 Artists: 642,766 "Perfect" FLACs: 525,352 Requests: 267,918 (73.80% filled) Peers: 2,704,302 Seeders: 2,677,764 Leechers: 26,538 Seeder/leecher ratio: 100.90
  4. My sister's in a coma and will probably be dead soon. I still claim this is better than the Hendrix version her song to me \m/ my song to her what i am passing out to tonight
  5. this makes me want to break shit in a good way to this day. Chemical Brothers.
  6. Also not a trap fan in general but there is good and bad in all. that s not bad shouts to mr and mrs fiend.
  7. Got a fifth of Crown Royal Reserve for xmas and I think it shows.
  8. Too much time reading the yo dao thread on my part perhaps?
  9. Oh what complete rubbish. Putin is a brutal autocrat who uses many of the remaining pillars of the old Soviet system to dominate the country and stifle democracy. The Pussy Riot debacle is symptomatic of his whole approach. There's still a statue of Marx or Lenin every twenty yards in Moscow, still red stars over the Kremlin, there has been no repudiation of the past there and so the past lingers on. It's incredibly patronising to think that people in non or psuedo democratic countries don't want democracy, they do, they want to express their 'own point of view, their culture, their values' and it's thugs like Putin which prevent it not the West. Have you been following the news in Ukraine at all? Do you know anything about Russia at all? I do, I'm half Estonian, I speak Russian, I have lots of Russian friends. It's cultural imperialism on your behalf to think that everything is about America or caused by America or some plot by America, it's not. People in Russia want freedom of expression for their own sake, not because the wicked West wants to impose it on them. There's nothing 'supposedly liberal' about the USA and Europe - they are liberal - in its broader sense - and that's what Putin is scared of. During the cold war, leftists in the West habitually assumed that people living under Red Army imposed communist occupation in Eastern Europe actually enjoyed it and wanted it and prospered under a superior system - in reality millions turned out onto the streets to overthrow their moribund, Russian backed puppet regimes as soon as they could do so without being machine gunned in the gutters. Today people like you claim that supporting the Pussy Riot girls is somehow participating in an 'information war' against Russia. Russia has no need of foreign countries besmirching its reputation, it does that all by itself by its relentless bullying of its neighbours, support for appalling regimes in Syria and Iran abroad and corruption, cronyism and repression at home. I rejoice that those two are free but nothing has changed in Russia and nothing will till Putin goes and people like you actually support freedom for people other than yourself.:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  10. Then I suppose there is no need to go into how much music I pirate. The genie is out of the bottle and there is one more part time tramp that didn't get lost, busted, mangled or killed out there. On the up side, he'll get his one way or another. Life just has a way of working itself out like that.
  11. I'm not gonna lie, I grabbed the 2006 off The Pirate Bay and it helped me out more times than I can count. Almost as much as Kabar2's Hobos Tramps and Homeless Bums thread. Fuck streamliners in general and publishing it was probably a douche move but there are better reasons to dislike the man. I've since came up on a more recent edition by more honorable means and sent a copy to KeepItRail when he was traveling otherwise, there isn't anyone I'd care to share it with. Also, searching Raymond Tylicki on that page brings up 0 results.
  12. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-24455141
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