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Everything posted by xen

  1. Buck Satan and The 666 Shooters - Bikers Welcome Ladies Drink Free
  2. I barely do but I ratio whore all the private trackers I am on. The closest I ever made to staff was interviewing on what and that is miles away.
  3. Voltaire is staff at PTP and the only one that can offer invites. Cool guy. I've tried offering invites to people I actually know and the thought of seeding back is a disgusting to them so I gave up. I've invited a few people from here as well and most can't be arsed to log in 3 times a year so I gave up on that too.
  4. Maybe. Your best bet is to make Power User on a private tracker that offers invites to higher classes. The easiest is What.cd. Make Power User there and most private trackers have invite threads. Voltaire <3 https://www.whatinterviewprep.com/
  5. mod steez forgot about e-peen? you slipping.
  6. '04. First and only SN. Did casek make it back?
  7. I didn't think i'd miss the prop button but what you gonna do? Digging that Father John Misty.
  8. This has got to be the best Willie Nelson album of them all
  9. Sweet. Get out there and school these kids. From the HR Cabin or Rose Lake Yard in STL there's a beer and couch at your disposal any time. The powers that be are planning on tearing out the TRRA terminal just North of downtown STLso grown men can throw a ball for millions. I don't know how it is going affect traffic through the NS Luther Yard. Probably not too tough but ~10 trains a day might factor somehow. Thoughts?
  10. https://monowitwins.bandcamp.com/ Available as a free download. In name your price, choose 0 ya cheap fucks. A dollar or more? What the hell were you going to with it anyway?
  11. ctrl + + or ctrl + scroll wheel works as well.
  12. And a merry kwanzaa and happy chaka khan to all See my above posts. Karma is a bitch tho.
  13. Run DMC - Peter Piper and merry kanzaa and happy chaka khan my heads
  14. word. 1 gallon per person per day is my rule of thumb. and take the advice of KaBar and get a means of turning on the valve outside of a warehouse or other industrial building. 1 gallon = 8 pounds so much solid wisdom/knowledge/experience. If you don't follow it, you deserve what you get.
  15. Got around to scanning my Professional Rail Atlas. Available as a pdf if anyone loses theirs. My first one got stolen. Lesson learned: Don't set your pack down for any reason. Stepped around the corner to piss and that's how long it took to lose all my shit.
  16. The Joshua Tree National Park under the full moon should be on everyone's bucket list.
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