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Everything posted by xen

  1. Maybe it has been mentioned here, maybe it hasn't. Either way I know it hasn't been mentioned enough but if you are touching down in 1 spot for more than 2 weeks, get a gym membership. The showers, pool, place to hang out, whatever is worth way more than the ~$20 you'll shell out. That was my biggest challenge on the road. Winter isn't so good for bathing outdoors. The local YMCAs will often give a try it before you buy it deal so you can snag a free shower here and there. Jacksonville, FL let me shower for damn near 3 months on a free day pass. The coffee is free and awesome. Expect old man balls freely flapping while being engaged in conversation. YMMV.
  2. a_few_fun_and_inventive_ways_to_pick_up_chicks_640
  3. this_is_my_life_and_i_will_do_what_i_want_to_640_0
  4. if-youre-seeing-this-its-too-late-drugged-by-bill-
  5. Anyone on What needs to check the home page and change their password. Nothing critical just a precaution and could benefit everyone. Carry on
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTG-duJTHyY
  7. https://video-lax1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hvideo-xap1/v/t42.1790-2/11768121_156428144688188_2043404413_n.mp4?efg=eyJybHIiOjQ4MCwicmxhIjo2NTN9&rl=480&vabr=267&oh=6c10af04537b03ca9d4d3660c4769bf8&oe=55A9C8B9
  8. Me and my wife peed on each other on the same night. Not on purpose but were still able to make eye contact in the morning. Jim Beam is a hell of a drink.
  9. I really hope the old dude got paid well for doing that film. Son of a bitch.
  10. Ya, that\s where i am at today. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIMU456zOXc
  11. There's plenty of folding bikes to be got on the cheap, and I have no real life experience in this but as far as hiding, a gondola would be easiest to hide but I don't know a bout climbing that ladder. Boxcar would seem to make the most sense. Tho bikes are easy to come up on the road depending on your finances and scruples.
  12. And I prefer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1lUhfsdeyo To Dead Prez. Just saying.
  13. It's cheesy and cheap. While I disagree with the message, that's not the whole of the dislike. The music itself is subpar. I came up in the punk scene of the mid 80's so it's not like I am unfamiliar or just some overly PC asshole. Odinists are a whole different group and I don't know what to say to you. Get a grip. It's a whole new century and you lost. Accept it. Or don't. There is a whole world of amazing music you'll miss out on with the same three chords, same message, same production, same smoke another cigarette growl. Ian Stuart covered that too. Nothing new to add.
  14. Not representative of their viking white power bullshit but I do dig that tune. 5 minute edit = post train off the rails and I don't like it.
  15. The new Pete Rock - Petestrumentals2 is cool music to listen to as you go to sleep. I like music period. Not saying there isn't garbage more than good but,I'll give anything a chance. This made the cut. I was going to let the viking white power shit slide but feel he need to comment. First of all. fuck outta here and second of all, Bound For Glory did it much better.
  16. xen


    Holy wall of brick text POZ but you are correct in every way. I now have 15 moths of sobriety. My relapses have been for a few days at a time so I haven't bottomed out like the 'for real' one so if those don't count (they do) it's 3 years The new excitement gives way to boredom and that, to me, is when the struggle comes in. After my last little 3 day bender, I decided to start building model train layouts. It has worked so far. Instead of a 12 pack, buy a box car, instead of a fifth, buy a locomotive. Everyone is different but find an alternative that fits you. It is worth it.
  17. 5 minute edit is a real thing and it sucks. KIR still doing it. Thanks for the update and please keep doing it.
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