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Everything posted by xen

  1. @KaBar I live out in the sticks but only a few miles outside of STL near the CSX line that runs from Rose Lake to Vincennes. Trains stop irreguraly right where I work. I always say I am one bad day from my ride waiting. If you need a place to stash the van and a ride to or from Rose Lake or any STL yard, your stuff is safe and shotgun protected. As good as you being with it. I've walked the wrong side of the law but I do have a sense of right and wrong that is on par with yours. A couch to crash, shower and a hot meal on the pass through is also a standing offer. Hell, I'd take the couch. This thread allowed this to happen and I'd be honored to meet the man. There's and handful of Markals in it for you if you are bribable :)
  2. PM me if you think it could happen. If not, maybe hook up in Britt 2018
  3. oh ya. a decent camera is cheap these days. I haven't hopped since 13 but even then the camera on my phone was pretty good. I'd be more than willing to kick on a camera fund. Especially if it means keeping this thread alive. If you're headed to Minneapolis (i assume the high line?) from TX. Plot a route through STL and i'll buy you a beer or 12. I owe you.
  4. @KaBar I'd be lying if I said I wasn't jealous but you've earned it so I can equally say I genuinely happy for you. I don't see anything wrong with rubber tramping, I'd love to do it again. 24 years until I can retire if I don't just drop out again. Take a camera and do your best to keep this thread and a bit of hope for us home bums alive. I love this thread and can't wait to hear some road stories. You gonna run for Hobo King?
  5. Hey @KaBar. Retirement should be coming up soon? Are you gonna full time or 40 mile it?
  6. xen


    Stay up indeed. Got my 2nd son married off yesterday. Beautiful ceremony and know what I am doing. Been drinking pretty regular again but haven't started spiraling yet. Thing is I like to drink. I like being able to sleep. I like not stressing on wanting to drink. I feel better mentally when I drink. Bottom line, I am going to drink and when I'm ready to stop again, I'll post here but being active again, I can't contribute to this thread and will bow out. Thank all of you for the words and support. May you be successful in your sobriety and I wish you all the best. Embrace the contradiction and you'll feel us RIP to the homies but long live the killers --Lupe Fiasco
  7. xen


    I forgot how much I hate court ordered groups.I can't raid Home Depot with bolt cutters and a duffel bag any more so today's haul should keep me distracted until tomorrow.
  8. False. nh, never tried TPBM has shoplifted this year
  9. xen


    It's weird saying congratulations Shittles...Taste The Asshole :) I've climbed out out of the depression quite a bit and cut a couple of people out of my life that should have gone a long time ago. Started going to see the shrink again and hitting a meeting when the work schedule allows it. I have a lot of fuck off time at work and almost unlimited access to Painters Touch so I've started painting the cardboard inserts we put on the pallets. Talk about use it or lose it. I haven't put spray paint to any surface since before I joined this board. Paper and paint are 2 entirely different things but I am getting a bit better every week. A bit of the confidence back and I'll spend lunch painting the grainers that come through. Getting my handstyle/moniker back in line thanks to a lifetime supply of white Markals and china markers Keeps my mind off of wanting vodka for lunch and they don't give a fuck about the paint or markers.
  10. Now let's take the bass line for a walk. To score some meth
  11. xen


    Thanks Symbols. Not gonna lie, I went and got me a pint of vodka and am drunk right now. I hate it but damn the relief of not fighting it for a minute. I called my best friend and we laughed about the old times and my wife called. She'll be home in a few hours, mad at me for getting drunk but she'll be here. I'll be passed out but when I wake up, I'll talk to her and get back on track. The thing that keeps fucking me up is the thought that people are mean and I can't get past that. I guess I'll call my shrink tomorrow.
  12. xen


    Well, I fucked up again, par for the course I guess. Dealing with some "Dude, call someone. Seriously"; type depression. It's just culmination of years of trying to do the right thing and what seems like constantly having the rug pulled out. I am in the best place I been in my life. Everything good that I thought wasn't for me, a homeless, alcoholic, dope fiend that had every plan on being dead at 37 and lived life accordingly. Had fun doing it. Met my wife and, jesus fuck the trials and tribulations. My hobo knowledge got us through, adapt and overcome became our mantra, figure it out, stupid was painted on the wall of the house we were buying. It wasn't fit for human habitation but we made a promise to our dogs that we were their forever home come hell or high water. We got both but kept those assholes. We lived 2 years in this squat. I shouldn't call it that, every squat I had had indoor plumbing, but I digress. We bathed out of water jugs, hated Sunday because the gas station didn't open til 10 but I had to shit at 7. We made this place habitable. Every bit ourselves, me and her. we figured it out. We had to use propane heat and almost died of carbon monoxide, you shit just goes on and on but we rarely fought. It was me and her against the world but you can only bright side it so long. I couldn't find a job for the felonies and I got fucked up and went for a drive, got a DUI Fast forward 19 months. The crooked preacher we were buying it from had the house condemned for no water, still don't know why, I have a job making not folding money but breathing room, almost got the probation done and I get the phone call that 2 more friends were killed in a car crash. Their 16 year old daughter that I remember when she was born was pulled out but there was't enough time save them and she watched her parents burn. I kept it together for 2 days and got off work, drank a beer to their memory and my wife reminded me I have court. Went, paid them $500 upped my monthly amount by 5. Judge is happy and I leave. DA heads me off at the door and has me go take a piss test. Failed for alcohol and he files a PTR. Shit's gonna crash for a beer. Overly pessimistc, worried for nothing? It'll be OK? This is the motherfucker that sentenced me to prison for 3 years (served 1) for 3 cans of paint and a pack of blank CDs. Been mad the whole time i didn't sit in prison this time like he wanted. I haven't talked to my wife about how down I am. Trying the play it off, no big deal facade because she's going to see our son this weekend. I am probably going to get really fucked up and sleep until she comes back. tl:dr fuck you i need to stay occupied and wall of text did it. you can only put so much weight on my spirit and miles on my soul.
  13. xen

    Wait it's 2016

  14. Sitting out at the picnic table at work this morning and heard a CSX headed toward Terra Haute air up. I haven't wanted to quit that bad in a while. I hear ya, babe. Just not today. Soon, but not today.
  15. xen


    Weed was one of those things that I guess I just outgrew. When me and my wife first started dating, she made it known that running me around to get weed pissed her off. She didn't smoke so it was just wasting her life. I love her more than weed and didn't want to be a time murderer so I didn't ask and it just faded away. I not only don't miss it, i don't even like it. I just get anxious and can't see paying for that, I can get it for free. Then one by one the rest of the dope fell out of fashion until there was just alcohol and I consumed enough of that to more than replace the rest until it became an issue. Hope everyone is doing well and staying strong. Keep on keeping on.
  16. xen


    This fucking group I go to is pissing me off. I have to go per court order but there are a few cats with solid advice and a few I know I could help but the way it is ran is just jacked. Every meeting is what struggles have you had, what triggers did you over come, what made you want to use? this fucking group made me want to use. focusing on the misery,? write down what made you miserable? bitch, i had a good week and am generally happy. where is the room for that? I am going to speak up next week. thanks for reading my inner voice.
  17. I haven't put paint on a wall since before i joined this group of fuck ups but now have access to all the painters touch i can fit in a back pack. god sucks. nonsense
  18. I hang around for the nostalgia mostly and the same hope that the oontz will return to its former glory. I know it won't but I have a hard time giving up the ghost. I won't check in for 2 weeks and there are 2 alerts. Raven dropped the ball and I don't think there is any going back. As stated, people found other outlets to serve the purpose 12 oz used to. Fixing the clock was too little too late.
  19. Speaking of sore backs... Headed to Nevada for some store bought satisfaction? Know before you go. http://www.yelp.com/list/nevada-brothels-pahrump
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