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Everything posted by xen

  1. The store we stopped to piss at. I love this part of the world.
  2. Coming across the desert, the train stopped in Mitchell, TX where I found the first brand new railroad spike I ever saw so I grabbed one as a souvenir. I met a dude that had a homemade forge. It's not the type of place that is conducive to snapping random pictures but here's what I got. No tweakers were harmed in the making of this knife. Felt like the bass player in a traveling band Saw the Cheech and Chong Up In Smoke replica Left at the post office. I think they kidnapped a midget Drinking cheap Stopped to piss with no change. Went here instead Success and shout out to KIR. Wish I could have got pics making it but dude was getting sketchy about my phone.
  3. xen

    Punk is Dead

    Still does. Re:Al https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/xd4vk3/is-weird-al-a-closet-punk-icon
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