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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. join a gym. steal soap, deodorant, shampoo, hair spray, tissues, toilet paper...only a little bit at a time though so nobody notices.
  2. dear symbols, got on of these? cG
  3. false...mine beats normally. the person below me will check their props comments after reading this.
  4. didn't nintendo have a gotcha game. oh shit!...rampage (last page)....loved that game!
  5. false..i aint got no kids....that i know about. the person below me has a doctors appointment soon.
  6. true....but im trying to eat healthy for summer. the person below me is trying to get in good shape for summer too.
  7. dear symbols, take me with you! cG
  8. about to get ready to go to the gym
  9. wait...DAO got his old name back?
  10. true....from when i was a kid, but i still have change in it. the person below me still owns garbage pail kid cards *edit. false....no mo d cycle here the person below me still owns garbage pail kid cards
  11. and don't forget the effect it would have on things like groceries. i know a lot of local produce here in california gets transported around the state via big rigs and freeways. grocery bills are another huge percentage of family budgets. btw, prices are dropping a little bit: I filled up at $3.85 a gallon compared to $3.93 from my last post.
  12. dear symbols, whats wrong?! cG
  13. CALIgula

    Head On!

    apply directly to the forehead!!
  14. so i clicked the link because this girl looks EXACTLY like my exhomie's girlfriend. whoa!...wtf did i just watch?!?
  15. dear sey sey sey, i have tons of stories. i will share. cG
  16. CALIgula


    got a 50% off online code for puma.com, but don't know what to buy...suede classic pumas maybe?
  17. in sacramento cali = in november it shot up to about $4.69 for regular unleaded (because of the refinery fire in richmond) at shell gas station. then the ampm/arco gas station by my work dropped to as low as $3.17 just a month and a half ago...and now, that same gas station is at $3.93.
  18. saw the graffiti movie 'infamy' havent really watched graffiti movies in a while.
  19. waiting for the gf to come over for movie night.
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