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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. i was actually thinking about sending them an email about it. but id have better luck starting a facebook group about it.
  2. the new google images sucks :(
  3. false....what is it? the person below me has not done much this summer so far.
  4. trying to digest all the food i ate at my uncles house today... shrimp, lumpia, cashews, chocolate covered raisins, tbone steak, fillet mignon, wild rice, asparagus, baked potato and corn. i cant sleep on this full stomach.
  5. saw the ugly truth...chick flick with lots of sexual humor.
  6. so i saw doug benson 2 nights ago. really funny guy....and graham elwood opened for him..he was funny too. doug benson's pot the vote tour is traveling through california, so if you get a chance to go see it, dont miss out. oh yeah, he hangs out with everyone after the show and smokes weed with everyone.
  7. true/false...i do have a twitter account...but i tweet about once every 3 or 4 weeks. the person below me doesnt know how to use twitter.
  8. nice flick man...it looks like youre enjoying sf.
  9. yup....smash! also smash #5 from the pic of the 5 girls..shes a cute little chubbster.
  10. sitting in my boxers trying to stay cool in this hot ass weather :(
  11. false...ive only been there like 3 times total. the person below me frequents myspace still.
  12. im down to drive us all out to the few swim spots that i know of off of 49 after your wedding. i will do the driving though! :) i actually have a book that lists a bunch of swim holes in that area...we could go explore some new spots....for example: mushroom rock AKA mushroom hole is an awesome spot to swim and jump off the top of a rock thats shaped like a mushroom. yeah man, most of the spots i go to are like that. you ever gonna come back to this area to visit? i'll take you to some dope swim spots too, if you promise to show me where the good eatery spots are at in NOLA.
  13. awesome bfish!! i can't hardly wait! was your friend happy to take over and drive?..lol..jk there are A LOT of awesome swim spots off of the 49, by cool and georgetown. even underneath the foresthill bridge (the same bridge vin diesel jumps off of in the movie triple x!) <themoreyouknow.jpeg>
  14. first thing i noticed was her vaj, then her tits, then her face then her sunburn. you cant win noticed her birth control patch and belly button ring? you got your priorities mixed up man.
  15. reading the local news about this: Jul 22, 2010 1:25 pm US/Pacific Two People Being Questioned In State Fair Heist SACRAMENTO (CBS13) ― Police are questioning two people in connection with a heist at the California State Fair where two armed suspects got away with more than $100,000 late Wednesday. Sacramento Police are still investigating the robbery. They say two black male adults with handguns stole the money from the Ovations offices at the Cal Expo State Fair Grandstand at about 10:00 p.m. Wednesday. The money they got away with is now estimated at between $100,000 and $160,000. The suspects were wearing uniforms for Ovation, the company that provides catering for Cal Expo, according to authorities. The suspects entered an Ovations office at the grandstands with three employees inside. The office contains a vault which was emptied by the suspects. Police say there is no surveillance inside or outside the office where the robbery occurred. However, there were about 100 police officers on the grounds of Cal Expo at the time. "They patrol the area. But (Ovations) would have to provide their own security or ask us to assist them," said Norb Bartosik of Cal Expo. "But, primarily, they would be responsible for their own money control and own money handling business." There is some indication that the robbery could be an inside job. The thieves knew exactly where the vault was kept and knew the protocol for delivering money there. serious business.
  16. Jul 22, 2010 1:25 pm US/Pacific Two People Being Questioned In State Fair Heist SACRAMENTO (CBS13) ― Police are questioning two people in connection with a heist at the California State Fair where two armed suspects got away with more than $100,000 late Wednesday. Sacramento Police are still investigating the robbery. They say two black male adults with handguns stole the money from the Ovations offices at the Cal Expo State Fair Grandstand at about 10:00 p.m. Wednesday. The money they got away with is now estimated at between $100,000 and $160,000. The suspects were wearing uniforms for Ovation, the company that provides catering for Cal Expo, according to authorities. The suspects entered an Ovations office at the grandstands with three employees inside. The office contains a vault which was emptied by the suspects. Police say there is no surveillance inside or outside the office where the robbery occurred. However, there were about 100 police officers on the grounds of Cal Expo at the time. "They patrol the area. But (Ovations) would have to provide their own security or ask us to assist them," said Norb Bartosik of Cal Expo. "But, primarily, they would be responsible for their own money control and own money handling business." There is some indication that the robbery could be an inside job. The thieves knew exactly where the vault was kept and knew the protocol for delivering money there.
  17. false...i own one, but i mostly drive where i need to go. the person below me likes veggie pizzas.
  18. that one girl might be 17...but dat ass!!
  19. smash the progressive girl's face with a huge brick.
  20. eating roasted almonds and drinking diet coke and oontzing.
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