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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. dear ssn, whats that picture all about? cG
  2. true....its saturday night!...ive got to get out. the person below me has plans for tonight.
  3. smash the asian girl with the big jaw.
  4. damn thats exotic....smash. i know a half japanese and half egyptian girl thats cute as fuck! i hollered at her back in high school, she wasnt havin it though.
  5. false. the person below me thinks that anything that has to do with sex of the butt or anything that has to do with feet, vomit, blood, piss or shit is fucking gross and people that are into such things should have their heads examined.
  6. dear milky, those look fucking amazing! especially the first one...what is that??...waffle wrapped hotdogs?! thanks for sharing that. im hungry now. cG dear SM, airports still use beepers?? cG
  7. is the home team girl indian or latin?
  8. yeah, thats what the book said, to start right away, but i want to start after my birthday. no point in eating cake and ice cream and then hitting the gym to do the 6 power moves. My goal is to be at or around step 7 or 8 for all the power moves by the beginning of march (a couple weeks before spring starts), so that will give me a good six months to work on it. hopefully by then, i will be in good shape for my vacation in the foreign country im going to.:)
  9. office space ftw! expendables only a 7?? i am disappoint.
  10. false...i groom enough to get ass....even trim the pubes. the person below me shaves the pubes.
  11. letting lunch digest and oontzing before i go to the fridge and get a triple chocolate drumstick ice cream..holla!
  12. holy cow...didnt realize there were so many ren & stimpy fans on here.
  13. holy shit...i just propped this guy for this comic and he went from 1 tic tac to 5!
  14. i finished a thousand splendid suns a few nights ago..
  15. my plan is to start on Sept. 1st. we'll see how long i can stick to it.
  16. false...but now that you mention it, i do eat shrimp that probably is from that area. the person below me could go for a carne asada burrito right now.
  17. just got finished with taking an online practice test, now im oontzing and chewing bubble gum.
  18. never liked ren & stimpy :(
  19. crash was only good because it had lots of nudity in it.
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