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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. oh...i can see it now...boyznthehood.jpg
  2. dear dmv, i had to get fingerprinted for my new driver's license :shook: cG dear gym, you have a new way of checking people in to workout--fingerprinting :shook: cG
  3. damn...that fool must getting up in mexico..ive seen him up in davis and l.a.
  4. wouldnt that be true if there were chemicals on them that killed off brain cells?
  5. dear red, congrats man! cG dear ssn, lol. youre the best wing person ever. now youve found me a hot latina. thanks! cG
  6. dear ssn, im sorry. im broke. no gas money to make it to reno :( :( cG dear bfish and tugboattimmy, thanks for chiming in, and dropping some info. cG dear mG, congrats dad? lol cG
  7. holy shit that layup looks fucking dope!
  8. true, sactown california. the person below me has been to sactown.
  9. dear almighty, thanks. cG dear boat, oooooooooohhh...got it. cG dear tux, oh hey, this happens all the time....seriously it does....literally ALL the time. first of all, you have to make sure it's for real for real....and being late doesn't necessarily mean for real for real....ive had girls have late periods on me a bunch of times back when i was your age....each time, i freaked out something awful, and it turned out to be a false alarm, and the period would just come later....i think when a girl is sexually active, her hormones (progesterone, estrogen, etc.) get thrown out of wack causing her to have a later than normal period. to be for real for real sure, she has to take a pregnancy test...which are usually like 98% accurate..also, if she has morning sickness and is throwing up in the morning, that could be a good sign that she is pregnant. once youre for sure for sure she is pregnant (with the test and her sickness), then you should probably explore options on what to do if your 100% sure that you can't provide for your baby. (after all, the best way to provide for a baby is to be emotionally, mentally, and financially ready...all of which are hard to do at 19 years old) some options to think about if she is for sure for sure pregnant: -i don't know how you feel about "planned parenthood", but this could be a viable option. some people might not agree with having an abortion, but it might not be fair to bring a child into the world if youre not emotionally, mentally, and financially ready to do so. -give the child up for adoption....there are many couples who can't even have kids and who would love the chance to have a baby and are willing to adopt. couples are more likely to adopt babies than toddlers, and in some cases, if youre able to find a couple while your girl is pregnant, they can help pay for the bills: including food for your girl, renting an apartment, medical expenses, etc. -or you could just have the baby. at your young age though, you still have your whole life ahead of you. i have seen sooooo many guys your age have to drop out of school and go to work full time, just to be able to provide for their kid....its doable, but difficult...although you could be successful doing it....say you pick up a trade to take care of your child...if you can find work and stick with it, you can make a career from that trade. these are some ideas im just throwing out there for you...im sure other people on here will chime in with good ideas as well. just remember, that its not the end of the world, and this happens ALL the time. if anything, you can use it as a learning experience for next time (use a condom or make sure she is on birth control). one last thing...if you have anyone older you can trust to talk to (parent, teacher, pastor, etc.) you might want to talk to them for counseling and/or moral support. hope that helps man. cG
  10. I got into working out and setting up goals for myself because i dont want DMII, high blood pressure, cardiac disease, etc. I will be in my 30's real real soon, and I want to be healthy for the rest of my life.
  11. damn...those dude were training to lift whole cars, one part at a time.
  12. dear bbs, lol...i take it your one of the people on my friends list on fb...haha cG dear red, thanks...its ballin cause its a $40,000 piece of paper...lol cG dear bfish, thanks..and i'll be saying congrats to you real soon as well! cG dear boatnhoes, thanks for the props. cG
  13. how many one ar pushups are you doing now? how much do you weigh?
  14. You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to pissdrunkswhat? again. i also thought the 300 reference was stupid and not needed.
  15. yes, it just keeps saying the same thing over and over again....very redundant. how long have you been doing it now gasface?
  16. ^truth...i noticed ALL the exercises were in chapter 2. but the first 47 pages are pretty much him talking about how you dont need barbells and dumbells and cable machines, and how using those are more likely to cause injury versus doing "old school calesthenics" im kind of skeptical because of statements like that. im sure the progressions and exercises work...just curious on who the fuck this guy really is...sounds mad suspect to me.
  17. dear red, congrats on getting married saturday...sorry to hear about your cat. :( cG dear tux, why the "fuck".....too young to be a dad?? cG dear IOU, is that really all? cG dear college diploma, i finally got you the other day and put you in a nice little frame...im so happy :) :) cG
  18. lol...no, im talking about the book "convict conditioning" by the way, casek, ive been researching the author, paul "coach" wade and havent found any information on him. i can't find any credentials or validations to prove that this guy is legit. one website lists him as a pseudonym. on another forum, it says he uses english (UK) words and the convict conditioning website is registered in the UK. also, there are discrepancies between wade's age entering the correctional facility and the amount of time he gets. is this guy for real? i even tried wikipedia'ing him, but no luck.....couldnt even find a google image of the guy.
  19. damn...17 and smoking that much is definitely not good.
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