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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. false...ive banged a few black chicks...but none of them have been super. the person below me has also banged a black chick.
  2. looking for the last movie you saw thread.
  3. texting my ex back ....ugh..she needs to just move on and let me be.
  4. wait..... kids can't have all the fun!
  5. Dear I_R, good movie! thats actually the movie my screenname is named after. cG
  6. dear pizzy, i will try not to fall in love with it..lol. i was just buggin that out of all the guys that were there, she hooked up with me. i still like thick/chubby girls better (so i havent converted), but the sex with her was good. the post may look like im trying to brag about it, but its more me trying to document that night, so i can find the post later and relive the moment...LMAO! cG
  7. where can i get the keyboard shoe?
  8. waiting for these damn albums to download faster.
  9. false...i used to be, but i changed. the person below me is enjoying their labor day weekend so far.
  10. dear marco, flicks, or it didnt happen! lol...jk i feel your pain on losing weight..my clothes are starting to get a little tighter too. cG dear "kristina with a k", wow....last night was fucking amazing! i drove all the way home smiling from ear to ear last night. the sex was fucking amazing, and you are by far the hottest girl i have ever been with. i am usually into thick/chubby girls, but you gave them all a run for their money...you have the body of a hot stripper...scale of 1 to 10, your body was definitely an 11. you couldve been with any guy there, and ALL eyes were definitely on you, and for some odd reason (that I will never figure out) you chose to hook up with me....i still can't believe it...you were the most in shape girl ive ever been with! I won't forget you any time soon...believe that...only thing is, you didn't give me your number...im sure you probably have a boyfriend. cG
  11. i hope this thread is not now about gay yoga people.
  12. smiling from ear to ear because of the most amazing sex last night.
  13. since there was no question from Inapporprate, i will answer above. true, my penis in some girl's anus. the person below me has licked an anus before.
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