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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by Schnitzel

  1. is this in jakarta or whereabout is it i saw a mag called bangers is that from Indo?
  2. yeah it's blending styles into one sadly very inferior mess
  3. ^^^^ really try doing it more than 10 times in 10 years it becomes waaay annoying
  4. no I had a life and if i want to see a boring life with not many tits i can look in a mirror
  5. Two are dead ( suicide and car accident) 1 runs a cd production company 1 systems analyst strangely the girls all went haywire one is "waitress" in a titty bar called the oxford one was a hooker until she got doen for drug possesion and is now in jail. The people you know now are more important
  6. get a catapult a la malcolm in the middle and launch them suckers into orbit in the middle of a shopping mall
  7. can we please get a synopsis for this video for those at work?
  8. ^^^^ well worth it I reckon it's pretty cute
  9. fascinating maybe you should see a dietitian or stop flushing tampons down there
  10. engagement ring for girfriend she better say yes goddamn it
  11. Re: >>> - SYDNEY - AUSTRALIA - <<< good stuff LTbernum! and that taven OBE aboive is pretty timeless
  12. anybody else ever like those dinosaur skeletons that were made out of balsa wood and you connected them together. they still make them but back when I was kid I couldn't get enough of them. Them and transformers and Lego technik
  13. what is keylime pie? I should probably look it up on the net huh?
  14. seet somebody else says key line. I also hear peole calling it a oneline for soem wierd reason
  15. My dad used to do that but he was naked at the time he got nabbed by the cops once and didn't know where they had to return him to. yeah he had dementia pretty bad!
  16. Yeah I mean back in my days all we had was chrome paint or video head cleaner what's wrong with kids these days!
  17. http://www.henxs.com http://www.mightyweeny.com ?? munich i need a shop in nyc help me out!
  18. "KBBL is gonna give me something stupid"
  19. wow I have a mate who's Vego/nonsmoker/gym junkie/barely drinker and the fucker gets sick when someone on the next block sneezes. really hard when you go to see him because he's always sick with soem thing it's like eta steak ahve smoke and beer and chill the fuck out
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