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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by Schnitzel

  1. renovated part of my apartment, painted some graff read some books. what is the deal with the AT&T ad at the bottom? do you guys get paid if we click on it or do we have to switch phone nu,mbers andthen you guys get paid? if it's the first i'm clicking like I got nothing to lose.
  2. stole this of Ozhiphop.com's forum if anyone wants it down let me know and i'll remove it just don't have anything new to upload Plus the bunny is awesoem on this.
  3. yeah dude! best of luck for that!
  4. saw the movie last night not so great! but maybe my expections were just a bit too high.
  5. Lady is from sweden not finland
  6. I workd for a guy cleaning out a supermarket where the owner had gone bust and just walked. the store was empty for nearly 6 weeks over a summer when we got called in. The worst was the low top freezers filled with pizzas and frozen meals and melted ice cream that were so full of this mess that my mate or I had to climb into and stand ankles deep in god knows what scooping it out with a bucket to strain and pour the liquid into a sink. then bag up the solids my mate and I were 14 years old and we did this for the whole day and got paid $100 each but we smelled so bad that even after a shower his dad said it would be better if we slept in the backyard. My old boss had had a previous job as a forensic photographer in dundee in scotland and he had to photograph a flat where the occupants had died as a result of infections stemming from the fact that they had shit all over the floor and covered it in newspaper. he said it was six inches deep in spots. now that is rank
  7. am i the only who came in here thinking it was a title change and was shocked to find out ti was real?
  8. 3d graff just aint that impressive anymore that BBOY akor wall is dope real style.
  9. found on a fotolog and I've never seen it before
  10. wow I gotta get one of those? does it clean well do you have to take it from room to room or does it cruise arounbd the house?
  11. that;'s funny that it made the news in Estonia!
  12. Re: MELBOURNEGRAFFITI.com wow smah must have done so many pieces i keep seeing new ones that I've not seen before hwo long was he over for he must have done like 15?
  13. at least your mom aint going to hell
  14. great now i worry about those centipedes and spiders. man i hate insects
  15. so deserving of a repost this piece is so dope!
  16. owls are the shit except the ones that sound like screaming women at night they give me the heebies
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