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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by Schnitzel

  1. ^^ what i did it was more the novelty of using the machines I was going for!
  2. after the break up the fact that we bought a house together was real pain even though i had to put up the entire deposit i still had to pay her out $5k for the payments she made on it.. the transfer went through about two hours ago. the house is now 100% Mine !!! best $5k i ever spent!
  3. when i finally found one of these beer machines somewhere ( right next to the hiroshima monument) I had to have soem type of ID card. I spent 20 minutes trying to get people who looked old enough to stick their cards in but nobody would... went home empty handed and more sober
  4. probabaly what makes that rusto stash more impressive is that it's some one's stash not stock in a shop. montana over rusto anyday. in Australia where you can buy both for almost the same price the montana is a way better investment.
  5. ^^ (In response to skag's post) my mate is like that and now that we're both getting older he's now getting cut because I go o0versaeas twice a year and have the occaisonal new shirt etc while he's still living like we did when were 25. Sure you have less free time but you're better able to use it. speaking of which long weekend this weekend!
  6. be interesting to see them try that shit in Oz though wouldn't it??
  7. laugh if she was really super pissed at you and had loaded the gun while you slept. Bitch wh... BOOM!
  8. Pay a mortgage can't go clubbing all night now because i don't want to sleep on my days off occaisonally go get work done during the weekend to make week easier. fall asleep at work after the gym should clinch it.
  9. LA is great Question anyLA heads know when the palm trees were put up around town because they are all kind of the same height so that says to me that they all were planted roughly the same time. Can anyone shed any light?
  10. thing is it wasn't a graffy type shop it was a paint and wallpaper place not a specific graff supllies place!
  11. not really the spot to be racking.... I was leaning on the counter to take that shot!.. plus I was the only person in the store plus i suck at racking. so much so i don't do it...
  12. I wish this was my stash. this wasa shop in holland where i bought soem paint while on holiday last month. not a graff shop though justa regular paint shop there was so much montana ( german) there it was crazy!
  13. to keep the thread going here are a couple of lame pics i took on way to work. those NYC cats who were in town for some china heights thing. I Irish cat at Bondi junction in a pretty good spot.looking at it it's all exports too! tag i haven't seen for a while
  14. fuck facebook. I hate getting that "blah b;lah blah cuntyballs has added you asa friend on facebook" email. so i have to think who was blah blah blah cuntyballs? oh yeah we went to high school together how long has it been 16 years? friend request denied if you neede to speak before you could probabaly have looked me up. our world's were fine without eachother in them for all that long so why mess with that?
  15. last night watched scrubs on DVd for complete lack of anything else on TV. sketched and was in bed by 10:00 I'm pretty lame
  16. days off for me equals get up early if i can. get a load of washing in machine and hangout at the end of the cycle grab car, grab selection of paint and try to get 1-3 things out be they chrome stamps, colour pieces or whatever but try to get a couple out. Try to have a beer with friends but if i fail head home and clean house abit ,watch some TV sketch, or get food for rest of week. or failing that hang out with some girl (this may cancel out painting subject to girl and smash potential). but make the most of the day because I work too hard during the week to waste them.
  17. that movie was great. I can't imagine a better ending for it.. thumbs up from the schnitzelmeister (not that that means shit all) but I do think it wasa good movie and i liked how it wasn't all happy. but yeah that camera must have been made by the army it was so resilient
  18. Nice pics sorry to hear about your borther must gte to some northern hemisphere snow one day because the snowfields in australia suck balls.
  19. My memory was the advent of Google oner "Bootleggin' the adwords" and the colourscheme changes but I don't remember the really old days
  20. Man chilliwack what a cool name for a suburb!
  21. http://www.smh.com.au/news/national/artists-drown-in-drain/2008/01/21/1200764081353.html another article on this tragedy R.I.P
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