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Everything posted by GnomeToys

  1. Random selection of new and old: For a friend's wedding invites: Serious rapper is serious: DOF stitched:
  2. The dogbreath dog has the funniest damn expression on its face... Nice. Here are a couple from today... The intelligent people attend this university, for sure: Not my most fantastic photos but I liked them. :-) I missed this thread.
  3. This entire page is fucking dripping dopeness. Awesome. I should have some on the way later today... I'm currently in the market for a medium format film camera of some sort... I'm thinking about getting one of those old Yashica D TLRs for now... I have a darkroom already, inherited from some kind soul in the classified ads for free. Any thoughts? Should I pick up one of those for cheap or hold of and get a Pentax 67?
  4. There are 14 million other KAOSes.
  5. I haven't taken any pictures of people lately, but from past experience you can pretty much go up to anyone and ask them if you can take their picture, and they'll let you do it. If you don't want them posed, just take it anyway like 8onus said. Rarely will anyone care. If your camera equipment looks large and professional enough they usually end up thinking you're working for the paper. People used to think I was working for a magazine at one point when all I was using was a Sony F707.
  6. Ah, so you got your show with them. Did you ever get my e-mail?
  7. Here's a selection of mine from today... finally have someone to take pictures with:
  8. I agree with everybody else, those studio shots are all on fire. Here's mine for now:
  9. Your computer is not part of the internet. You need a photohost. Try http://www.photobucket.com
  10. That picture doesn't look like Mero really, he isn't smoking wet.
  11. On the subject of cropping, I shoot digital and don't crop anything, unless I'm doing a pano or I'm just taking a picture of a squirrel or something I don't have the lens range for, then I'll crop that out and post it original sized for clarity. Here are a few from today: And some stitched panos from this week:
  12. ILOTS: If the system is new, get the card replaced. Nothing should be frying itself that fast unless you massively overclocked it. The company that made the card needs to send you a replacement right quick. Don't take no for an answer. 8onus: If you have a router, whether you're connecting to it through wireless or not, it probably has to be configured to specify which PCs on your internal network will receive forwards of incoming information to various ports. I don't know which port limewire uses, but you'll need to open that one up in the router configuration and set it to forward to your computer's IP address. See the router's manual for more details on how to do this, and the settings dialog in limewire for information on which port it uses.
  13. once more. Quoted post [/b] Now you see it, now you don't.
  14. Survey Says: Not an animated GIF. That would qualify as a funny movie though.
  15. I've got as many copies of Farcry as I can burn after I download the ISO whenever I feel like it for free. :p
  16. I was given an old Nikon Coolpix 990 with a broken zoom and autofocus. I didn't care about that though, I was just finally glad to have a camera to play with that I can do long night exposures with. The Sigma SD9 is an amazing camera for lots of things, but it is a finnicky bitch for night photography. Images get ruined with noise above 4 second exposures or so, but I don't have a fast enough lens to get away with anything less than that in most places. Anyway, here are some night shots from the new/old Nikon.
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