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Everything posted by GnomeToys

  1. Yes, it's got a 50mm 1.8 PK mount eye.
  2. I agree. It's too fucking big. In most of your posts, the actual message takes up less vertical screen space than that thing. Nobody wants to scroll down a page in an image thread and keep running into that between everything. I still don't know why the hell they started allowing images in signatures at all on the new boards here. Anyway, just to keep somewhat on topic, here's my small stash of paint. It's boxed because I'm moving soon and I'm not going to dig it out and arrange it all pretty just for you jackasses to gawk at.
  3. I would have to agree. I'm using one of the cheaper sigma lenses made (28-200mm F3.5/F5.0?) and it is pretty sharp over most of the range. I'm using the SD9. It is a good camera, but has its issues. If you're in the market for a digital SLR right now I'd suggest buying something else, Sigma doesn't seem to be coming up with anything new. I played with a Nikon D70 around christmas last year after my aunt bought one and it focused so fast in AF mode compared to the sigma that I almost shat myself. The SD9 has some serious power issues, which they did not fix correctly on the SD10. I get about 150 shots off a set of rechargeable AAs, which thankfully is all I have needed. Then you need to replace the 2x CR123a every 1000 shots or so. In the SD10, they took out the need for CR123as which made it almost impossible to power the camera with normal batteries, so people have been buying rechargeable CRV3s instead of AAs. The jackasses on the sigma discussion forum over at dpreview will swear up and down that this is somehow better than a proprietary battery system. I have to disagree after using batteries from Sony that would take 600 pictures without losing a bar of power. High ISO performance is crap, hence indoor / bar / concert photography usually doesn't turn out good. This right here: Is the best I've been able to get out of ISO400 in full daylight. It doesn't look bad, but that noise that is there is sometimes ALL that is there in lower light photos. For a daytime landscape or city camera though, it can't be beat. I'll be buying a Canon next anyway, unless Sigma manages to address these problems. </end rant>
  4. Thanks dos. The really orange skies are kind of rare, we had a massive thunderstorm and it suddenly cleared up to the west right as the sun was setting, everything outside looked like it was on fire for a while. I'd punch jesus in the face for a medium format camera with a digital back, no fooling.
  5. Some bizarre weather sunsets the past couple of days:
  6. Don't worry too much about the 56k people, I'd say. Those who want to see it will wait for it to load in its full glory. It will be interesting.
  7. Just a few, more nature stuff. I'm a sucker for late spring.
  8. As long as nobody gets both, then I'll be scared and aroused. The fly picure is nice... it also reminds me that I need to pick up a 1:1 macro lens of some kind. Anybody have experience with any Sigma brand macro zooms? I'm pretty much stuck with sigma because of the SA mount on my camera unless I get the M42 adapter and an older lens, so any recommendations on M42 macros that are decent would be helpful (and cheaper too).
  9. Mack, I can't argue with the fact that those photos are fucking hot. Even that washing machine has emotion going, and that isn't an easy task. Love it.
  10. Is it? Nice. I'd punch a lesbian in the face if I could live in a place with some good markets & restaurants like that about now. And lord knows I love lesbians, or watching the fake ones anyway. Anyway, holla.
  11. I try to keep anything larger than ~640x480 off the web anyway for copyright reasons. I doubt anybody would bother stealing any of my photography for print, but stranger things have happened.
  12. You might consider that being a non-christian based culture, those don't have the same silly meaning in Japan as they do here. They're just manholes.
  13. Here's a bunch of pictures I took in and on the way to Chicago yesterday:
  14. I love this time of year. My cactii: Spring has sprung: Random:
  15. You should work on not posting any of that anywhere on the internet until you've been practicing for another 800 days and actually have something that took more than two seconds and is worth anybody's time critiquing. You also need more arrows.
  16. Yeah, he kind of looks like a giraffe munching on some ganja leaves in that pic, just one from a series I took last week. That was our family dog for 13 years, had to put him to sleep on monday though. R.I.P. Caper 1992-2005. 8, I like some of your shots. The foot-level one is pretty cool.
  17. If it's a new camera, I'd call them about those dead pixels immediately and see about getting it replaced, or take it back to the store and raise a fit. I've owned some Nikons in that line older than that one and never had that problem, I think it developed one hot pixel after a year of use but nothing to that extent. Here are some from the past couple of weeks...
  19. I forgot that you can't ask a fucking question on 12ozprophet without suddenly becoming the new jackass noob to pick on. 8onus, that's your opinion, but why the hell was it directed at me?
  20. Thanks hyrax, that's all I was asking. Makes more sense now.
  21. No, I'm serious though. Don't pretend like I didn't ask it. What is special about the camera? Is there something? It isn't a stupid question, I just have no fucking clue what the idea was. Either clue me in or be a bunch of assholes. Either way, give me an answer because I seriously don't know.
  22. Since I don't even remember the start of it anymore, could anyone summarize quickly for me what the point of passing an entire camera with film around through the mail was? With some of the expenses incurred through shipping that I'd read recently and other setbacks it almost seems like it would have been cheaper and easier for everyone to pick up a polaroid of this type from a second hand shop then mail the resulting photos to one person. Maybe I'm silly. I'll stick with digital anyway. :-)
  23. This thread took a drastic downturn in quality, which scares me. I'm going to drink a gallon of everclear right now. WHERE THE FUCK ARE ALL YOUR ARROWS? HAVE YOU LEARNED NO WILDSTYLE GRAFFTAGGING SKILLS FROM ME?
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