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Everything posted by GnomeToys

  1. One of my fucking roommates has a virus that's eating up all our network traffic, everything is so goddamn slow lately. It took me 10 minutes to upload these.
  2. Yes, they can see what you're looking at if they use the appropriate tools. They probably don't know what these tools are if they're stupid enough to leave their wireless network completely open though, so I wouldn't lose sleep over it.
  3. Edit: Damn database errors, I hope they fix it soon. Thanks coffee.
  4. Edit: I never did get that polaroid, I did find a Yashica 635 TLR in good condition with the important parts of the 35mm kit at a local camera store... 120 or 35mm with the same ancient manual camera, sounds like fun. I've been wanting to try out medium format for a while now as it kicks the ass of most digital in clarity and resolution still. Might pick it up this week.
  5. Nice photo. What kind of shoe is that?
  6. Next time you'll know better, and just dump it in the nearest storm drain.
  7. Fucking SQL errors all night. My solution? Delete the yard and paperchase.
  8. GeForce 6600 can be had for $93.00 as well, if you're an nVidia person. Edit: I lied, that's the PCI-e version.
  9. Damn, all of those are fucking hot, they've all got their own emotion. That escalator is eerie.
  10. For the polaroid shooters here: I found a 320 Land Camera at the thrift store yesterday for 7 bucks with a flashgun. With the cost of polaroid film and my familiarity with digital, I'd suspect I'll probably shoot about a 10 pack of film with it every month or two if I buy it. Is this model easy enough to find film for? Anything else I need to know? Here are some pictures from last week. Haven't really shot much lately, but some friends wanted me to take some pictures of them playing. I hate indoor photography, and I really hate indoor people photography. I have to handhold the flash and use bulb exposure because it fucks with my camera's circuitry. Some of them turned out ok anyway. Take special note of the douche on the left with full blown shitlocks.
  11. And if that didn't fill up your time, try going to these links containing hundreds upon hundreds of PDF format eBooks, topics range from programming, web design, photoshop, to classical literature, to anarchist crap, to religious texts. If a link is dead, move on to the next. http://0xf47a.afraid.org/docs-n-ebooks/ http://4nobletruths.com/ebooks/ http://arathorn.no-ip.org/manuali/C++/ http://aux.planetmath.org/book/ http://cebka.pp.ru/books/ http://chuckie.ickyelf.net/_____._____/TEXT/ http://chuson.free.fr/Tutorials/ http://classics.mit.edu/Browse/index-Homer.html http://consciouslivingfoundation.org/ebooks/ http://cs.uns.edu.ar/~jechaiz/iaw/clases/extras/ http://cyberatlantis.com/library/e-books/ http://dan.sibiu.rdsnet.ro/docs/ http://ebook.mafia.or.id/index.php?dir=/ http://ebooks.binarios.net/ http://ebooks.trada.us/ http://ender.indymedia.org/media/docs/ http://f4nt0m.doubleukay.com/Ebooks/ http://files.nixp.ru/books/ http://folk.uio.no/thomas/po/ http://forumny.org/pdf/ http://ftp2-itec.uni-klu.ac.at/~mick/download/ http://galeb.etf.bg.ac.yu/~petrovic83/C/ http://glenn.freax.no/diverse/ http://helios.lib.uoa.gr/books/ http://hellnet.perverz.hu/ebookz/ http://iglu.cz/piet/ http://knoppix-greyhat.org:4660/linuxg0d/ebookz/ http://kristi.erdves.lt/books/ http://mail.stibanas.ac.id/ebooks/ http://members.xoom.virgilio.it/c1p8paradise/testi/ http://neil-shah.net/Ebooks/ http://nsri.upd.edu.ph/downloads/ebook/ http://nw0.info/index.php?dir=eBooks%20and%20Documents/ http://pied.nu/banned/al-quaeda/ http://sandheap.var.ru/data/ http://security-protocols.com/textfiles/computer_culture/ http://serghei.net/books/ http://seri.kmutt.ac.th/cs02/citec/www/asylum/book.html http://sqentropy.dyndns.org/ebook/ http://studentweb.tulane.edu/~jkadmon/war%...20paper%20docs/ http://sunsite.auc.dk/hwb/ http://tarasis.net/files/free%20books/ http://tash.dns2go.com/FTP/ http://unix.rulez.org/~calver/stuff/ http://users.pandora.be/kernkop/Books/ http://webpages.charter.net/akah/knowledge/ http://wood.9hells.org/Arquivos/ http://wsmf.org/texts/emonks/HPLovecraft/?C=M;O=A http://www.asstr.org/files/Collections/eBook_Erotica/ http://www.best.tuke.sk/~ejo/books/ http://www.biatv.hu/~dirdajudit/?M=A http://www.blumaise.org/files/eBooks/ http://www.campusrox.com/sourcecode/sc/ http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu/~rdk/v2.0/Misc/eBook/ http://www.cs.sunyit.edu/~gloor/reading_room/ http://www.cs.umb.edu/~dukhanh/Ebooks/?M=D http://www.darkangels.hu/~gari/ http://www.dickran.net/books/ http://www.ece.ualberta.ca/~bpalit/articles/ http://www.g7syw.co.uk/ebooks/ http://www.goerwitz.com/papers/?C=D%3BO=A http://www.greylib.align.ru/ http://www.hinst.net/~ragtucaj/utilities/ http://www.hypothetical.net/sillydog/text/ http://www.ibiblio.org/obp/electricCircuits/ http://www.ingenieriauai.com.ar/eBooks/ http://www.ketamin.hu/ebooks/ http://www.kubba.co.uk/images/Files/ http://www.madchat.org/esprit/texture/ http://www.maxf.net/~leshiy/books/ http://www.mickelson.org/files/eBooks/ http://www.modern-industry.com/books/ http://www.nationalgeographic.com/grimm/archive.html http://www.nwowatcher.com/ebooks/ http://www.olimpusklan.org/frikkis/Libros/ http://www.paradise.raleigh.nc.us/books/ http://www.rpi.edu/~matrah/dload/Miscs/ http://www.rraurl.com/paula/knowledge/ http://www.run-around.com/downloads/ebooks/ http://www.sacred-texts.com/index.htm http://www.ssuet.edu.pk/~amkhan/cisco/ http://www.ssuet.edu.pk/~amkhan/Linuxbooks/ http://www.tor.at/resources/books/ http://www.unseelie.org/books/ http://www.ux.sk/download/eb/ http://www.zod.com.mx/dev/ebooks-online/ http://www2.codestorm.org:81/books/ Yanko.lib.ru/books
  12. Oh yeah, now I remember. Those early budget P4s that were being grossly underclassed by the ram and performed worse than mid range PIIIs because of it. Newer P4s are using DDR or DDR2, aren't they? Anyway I'm betting on his old ram not being compatible.
  13. Casek, those palermo core semprons overclock like a motherfucker.
  14. NO. You cannot put that ram in your computer you have right now, and nobody should have been recommending that you try it. That old ram is going to be PC100 or 133 SDRAM most likely. RAM isn't going to be "designed for NT", it has absolutely fuck all to do with the operating system. Pentium IVs will have either DDR or RDRAM, most likely, although I recall some cheap early ones using something else. SDRAM: RDRAM: I use FireFox to take advantage of the NoScript and AdBlocker plugins in particular, but it most definitely isn't faster or better than IE, only somewhat safer. I still use IE sometimes if I'm going to be visiting websites that I know won't have any nasty embedded shit, for speed's sake.
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