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Everything posted by GnomeToys

  1. You're spending too much time coloring in those broke-ass letters instead of improving them.
  2. Go look at the last few pages of the Chi-town thread and try to tell anybody that this is weak.
  3. Don't call it graffiti unless you're painting it somewhere. 100DPI JPEG should be good, 72 would be better. Try to keep the file dimensions somwhere below 800 wide and 600 high, preferably lower than that. You don't really need the highest image quality either, somewhere around 9 or 10 in photoshop's scale or 75% should be fine. If you're having problems with color and resolution you might be dealing with a known issue called CheapScannerosis.
  4. Post your stuff in the new sketch thread from now on, it doesn't deserve to be called toy as far as I'm concerned. That one would look nice painted, real simple like.
  5. I like that. New 2003 ? ... and wrong thread.
  6. The thing about the Sony F717's ergonomics is that they are strange if you are shooting it from eye level, but after owning a F707 for quite a while I learned that the trick was to put it on a neck strap, and shoot with the lens swiveled up from somewhere around waist level. From that position, not only is holding the camera more comfortable, but with your elbows and upper arms against your body, it is stabilized better than when held near the face, allowing for sharper low-light type photography. I remember being able to handhold 1/15th second shots with that camera that I simply cannot manage to keep steady enough for with the Sigma SD9.
  7. Did you actually make the backgrounds in the second two? There seems to be a vast, unexplainable difference in the skill used to make those backgrounds, the back in the first one, and your newness to photoshop.
  8. Good stuff dis. Easy E? How'd that drain catch fire? :-) From the past couple of days:
  9. hhahahahaaha good one lol omg
  10. The good old nikon vs. canon debate. Almost as endless as PC vs. Mac. Bayer sensor cameras suck anyway, foveon forever. :-)
  11. Customs for certain countries place large import tariffs on high valued items to prevent people from skipping sales/flat tax by ordering expensive equipment from elsewhere. By declaring at $200, you essentially put a big sign on it that said, "THIS IS VALUABLE. TAX IT". I'm guessing the camera was actually worth much less than $200. For future reference you're best off declaring items shipped to other countries at their actual value or far less than it depending. It was definitely an honest mistake though.
  12. From the past couple of days, its been getting warmer.
  13. ImageShack banned 12oz? Interesting.
  14. And one more, which was just a redo of some picture I probably posted in B&W a long time ago because I lost the full size original in a HD accident.
  15. I lied, I went outside. Mostly pictures of ice, because I had it on my damn mind the whole time. I have too many damn photobucket accounts now.
  16. Hot shit on this page. I wish I went outside in the winter.
  18. OMG TERRARIST just kidding.
  19. kept there's a mural you did on the back of a liquor store in an indiana college town that needs some touch ups if you ever make your way to the area again...
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