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Everything posted by GnomeToys

  1. I like this one a lot. Vietnamese coffee?
  2. Those scars are just going to look fucking wonderful with the stretch marks she's going to get from gaining 60 pounds in the next 10 years then frantically trying to lose weight after she realizes she's at least borderline eatbeast.
  3. This motherfucker was 6 feet long and 8" away from my face when I looked up from taking a shot of some old rusty piece of garbage. Naturally I just swung the camera around and took a picture... Most of the body:
  4. Either another canon, I'd look for lower megapixels on the new batch of P&S cams as they're trying to cram too many photosites on the sensors these days and the images are noisy, or hunt around on eBay and see if you can find a Rebel 300D or Nikon D40 or similar for that price. I've seen refurbs selling for $300 so I'm sure a used one can be had if you look...
  5. The point & shoot photos from mn, brewster, and __ __ __ __ are excellent... Flower & Random macros from today: poppy season is almost here
  6. This is my cat Jumper. I found him as a kitten half starved to death near an old covered bridge in the middle of nowhere two years ago, and I couldn't bear to leave him there so I brought him home. When I first found him he kept jumping up and down to about chest level on me which was impressive. Now he'll jump on command. He's now my friend's cat but I see him when I'm over there. This is my current cat who I've had since she was a kitten (about 2 weeks longer than jumper). She's a barn cat and completely psychotic to everyone but me. I'm the only person who can safely pet her without getting their hand ripped open. She's my guard cat. This was my old Himalayan, Putin, being held by a a rapper I was doing video work for. He referred to her as "holy fuck you got mothafuckin garfield in here". She had been shifted around to 3 owners between her original and me. Going in reverse order, her names were Putin, Putz, Precious, and her original certificate name which was Little Miss Billie Joe Precious. She would get pissed if I used the full name on her. Being a Himalayan she was mentally retarded. She could not be taken on my flight/move to Florida because she wasn't in the greatest health so we found an old lady who likes that breed to adopt her. She'll be missed.
  7. Some randoms from the past week or so:
  8. Yeah DAO, I dunno which version of Photoshop you have... in CS3 the animation toolbox is under the "Window" menu. If you have CS1 it probably came with ImageReady which can crank out animated gifs in no time flat. Do it. I want to see.
  9. Yeah, they make a 70mm f2.4 which is almost as small... Seems like it would be a great lens for candid street photography as nobody would possibly think that thing had any kind of reach to it. http://www.photozone.de/pentax/127-pentax-smc-da-70mm-f24-limited-review--test-report
  10. I'm jealous, everybody is getting nice lenses in here lately. I still want one of these: Was supposed to get it earlier this year but money didn't pan out.
  11. From the Leland Hotel in Detroit (still open, partially abandoned):
  12. I've wanted a tilt-shift for so long... post some photos from it when you take them, I'd love to see some
  13. I bet this is the first time Spitfire got banned in Europe.
  14. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD That bitch looks so proud. It must be some kind of rare event in the porn industry to have a fully functioning sphincter.
  15. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD That kid is so lucky that tub wasn't full of blood at the end of that one.
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