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Everything posted by itsallafarce

  1. Pizza!!!! Also from a while back. Caramelized onions, mushroom, spinach, chevre. Confit artichokes, sundried tomatoes, anchovy, peppercinni, mozz
  2. From a while back. Soy marinated chilean sea bass. Ginger scented rice, sauteed mustard greens.
  3. Been busy helping a friend while he's away from his restaurant. Haven't cooked much at home over the last week or so. But, I did make this bad bitch for the Christmas boxes we sold. Confit turkey terrine garnished with carrots and Rosemary. It's set with a chicken consommé fortified with gelatin.
  4. @NightmareOnElmStreetYou know it man! Haha, naw every once in awhile I get a little freaky dealt using a cook book. It's kind of a good exercise for me. I get list in doing my own thing and forget how to pay attention to the details. Back to the books for a bit!
  5. Some dope panels! That Jake goes hard man! Along with them MFK dude's. Sence DCM (love seeing new stuff from that guy.) Kerse as per usual. Nice show!
  6. Made a nice little diddy last night, poached chilean sea bass w/ mai fun noodles in a shitake and celery broth seasoned with a bit of fish sauce, finished with celery leaves, scallion, cilantro and fried garlic. It was a recipe out of a book my lady just picked up. Turned out pretty damn good. Name of the book is "Dining In." Gonna be doing a few outta this I think.
  7. Good to see you're still kicking @rage. The oontz is a weird place full of weird people. Been off for awhile though, cancer is a bitch. Over the years I've lost some good friends and have had some good friends lose parents and, my pops been dealing with stage 4 colon cancer for the last 7 years. It's a shitty fucking disease, which for some reason they can't figure out how to create a cure for it. Hopefully you make it longer than they predict. Cheers to you and some positive vibes as well. My pops gets transfusions bi-weekly and it sure does fuck him up. Just keep keeping on! It sucks that you gotta have your card stamped like that.
  8. My lady and I went a little crazy considering it was just the two of us. Made sable fish wrapped in Kombu with herbs and lemon, pommes de terre(ridiculously buttery mashed potatoes.) Rosemary sourdough and apple stuffing, garnet yam souffle with a pecan crumble topping, roasted chanterelles, roasted carrots, braised red chard, blistered green beans with copious amounts of garlic, smoked shoyu and chile flake and, hawaiian rolls. We took some food to a few friends that were alone so we didn't have a ton of leftovers but, damn it was good!!!! Cheers y'all!
  9. Bruh, they are soooooo damn good. More like potato flavored butter, once in awhile it's ok to indulge.
  10. Pommes de tere, made famous by Joel Robuchon. Noted chef of the century before he passed a few years back. He used (his restaurants still use) La ratte potatoes, (small fingerling like) and butter in equal parts. So for every pound of potatoes there is a pound of butter. They are some of the most decadent rich mashed potatoes you'll ever have. I used to make these everyday at a spot I worked at some years ago. The chef that owned the joint had a farmer grow this type of potato specifically for his restaurant. Been doing them ever since. They are pretty simple in most regards, the mixing is the most important part. Over work the starch and you end up with greasy spackle. Under work them and they break, butter too warm they break. Let them get cold while folding in the butter they get gluey. Side note while alive Joel held more michelin stars than any other chef by a long shot. Cheers!!!
  11. smoked trout and 6 minute egg tartine, salad of celery, onion, caper berries and herbs. Angel hair with clams, prawns and baby kale. Good amount of shallot, garlic and chili flakes in the sauce that I made with the clam liquor, cream and egg yolk. Similar to a carbonara. Been struggling in the kitchen a bit. Been hard to get motivated these days, what do you guys do for motivation? (aside from just being hungry)
  12. Been making some thangs, made coq au vin the other day for a friend. Her husband just had shoulder surgery and my lady thought it would be nice to whip up some dinner for them since she has her hands pretty full. Don't have finished pictures though. The fish is steamed mahi with spinach, zucchini, oyster mushroom and prawn broth.
  13. Brekky this morning. Soft scrambled eggs, mushrooms, spinach, parm. On toast.
  14. Starting off in Dem 574's, it's either these AM90's or vans.
  15. Getting cooler out. That means soup. Or in this case "chowder." It's a "chowder" because there is no cream, no bacon or salt pork, or roux involved. It does however, fill you up like a chowder and has the consistency of a chowder. Potato leek chowder, fresh cracked pepper, cheese and garlic cheese toast.
  16. Burger time! Brioche bun, mushrooms, swiss, aioli
  17. Just gonna post a few older photos Peach tartine, fresh cheese, olive oil, thyme
  18. @Mercer Thanks! I typically have used rye for the starter, gets really active really quick. Also gives it a heady sour, almost vinegary. If it gets too strong I'll use ap to kind of dull it out a bit. Still messing around though. Been trying to get it dialed in tough so I can use it in the restaurant once we re open. It would be nice to not have to buy in bread.
  19. Just a few things from home. It's been weird not working during the pandemic shit. I have been in and out of love with cooking since the restaurant closed. I'm kinda bitter about the whole situation but, at the end of the day I get it. Got some sourdough (25% rye, 25% coarse wheat,50% white bread flour) Linguini and clams, classic. And prawn gyros
  20. I was over looking at the post your meals super pooper thread and thought it was sad that it had died off. Then I saw this. Man, I gotta stay up on the good ol oontz man. Cheers!
  21. Pretty standard end to my day, get home after work and my pup whiskey just clings to me.....literally.
  22. Drinkin whiskey and tall cans at the 5point. Also scrolling through this thread. 3.50 specials ftw!
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