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Everything posted by itsallafarce

  1. what's wrong with moar arrowz?? i think every body needs moar arrowz :lol: it's way more hip hop that way don't you get it??? just look at what moar arrowz did to your name. shit could probably do wind mill to flare while doing a crab and freestyling it's so hip hop:lol::lol:
  2. lies you are so fucking retarded. the more you talk the dumber you sound. not a good look. woes i see you up there Bosses Don't Snitch.
  3. spending a friday night at my moms to watch my nephew while my sister does the relay for life thing.....kinda sucks. kids cool little dude though i was pulling him around in his wagon and took a corner to fast threw him right out. he just laughed a bunch and said again? so i spent the next hour running around my moms backyard intentionally tipping the wagon over every so often. kids are cool i guess but i still don't want them.
  4. by the nh you mean negligently homo right? I understand. I have been having an awesome time walking around being drunk and doing that other thing we like to do.
  5. Those saskatchewan hoppers are real......real sick. I dont ever really see em unless in transit. Word!
  6. Thats exactly why slapping her in thw face with her gnarly pussy slime is completely justified. Then you pee in her butt because its fun. On a side note im chillin drinkin rollin rock tall cans listenin to the velvet underground lookin through my flick collection. Not a bad night.
  7. Pull out and slap her in the face with your dick covered in her nasty vagina filth and call it a night.......right after you pee in her butt....*directed to noes question.
  8. Id kick it with all the regular heads in the post your meals thread suki and cali g. Any of the BSMERS would probably end up being good times. And im sure a hand full of others. Forsits a dirty nagger that cant get a wurga holla mayne.
  9. Id kick it with all the regular heads in the post your meals thread suki and cali g. Any of the BSMERS would probably end up being good times. And im sure a hand full of others. Forsits a dirty nagger that cant get a wurga holla mayne.
  10. i thought this was amusing. its been the running joke all day. fucker drinks homo milk /nh?
  11. never mind i found something awesome but i cant seem to steal my own photo from my fb to post on here
  12. I need to start foraging. And how the mid wests morels taste better than the nw's i find that hard to believe seeing as we have the perfect climate for them. But ive never had a mw morel so i wouldnt know. Yes biased.
  13. Forsit i thought you knew us white people were like that? Weird.
  14. Morels are dope at the beginning of the season they were goin for 50 per# im sure they have dropped by now though. One of my favorite shrooms for sure. So good sauteed with ramps ,garlic and spinach.
  15. yeah that 86'd biz is nonsense. they thought yall hit up the door. I was standin outside when somebody pointed it out. they were on some "aintcha gonna regulate you home boys?" i looked at it and said.....I dont know who the fuck did that. that shit says 123 aint dont give a flyin fuck about some 123 abc chingalinlong fag crew. I swear just cause i graf an dance they think I know every fucking idiot that picks up a pen. irritating shit for real. but yeah try and hit either matt or me up and see whats goin on.
  16. noes it's for living. it's a good little setup 3rd floor corner unit with two big ass windows in the living area, near full size kitchen (which is good cause i cook a lot) it's in a good location and affordable. it's about time i made this move kent's had me down for years now. and as to your situation. def. play it chill. go to the aquarium blah blah make kids laugh. go back for dinner kids go down and it's either gonna be thanks you're really great have a nice night or its gonna be thanks you're really great would you like a drink. and from that point on you'll know fer sure where its gonna go. good luck mayne
  17. my homie came up on a zip of teh shroomez we gone eat some and walk through the yard. when it stops fucking raining!
  18. who needs weed when there's alcohol and and pills and mushrooms. i just found out i got approved for a studio in seattle going to sign the lease on friday. BOOM!
  19. Seems this thread is now about hawt dawgs
  20. At first i thought this was another thread about dow...then watched the video........scust man shit is scum of the earth status ignorant people suck fuck color these bitches need to be kicked in the head till they have a fuckin seizure.
  21. Some green decarotive bullshit.......cause this is a cookin show!
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