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Everything posted by goonstock

  1. my first canvas/back of a book is cliche bullshit.
  2. wait. why isnt this thread in brickslayers? agh. who cares.
  3. some of those hands are good.
  4. you have nothing on fuck ass seno burns
  5. you should make the word for the outline UTLI
  6. it should stain any porous surface. never tried it tho
  7. ankster for POPN i like that N bwoy!
  8. you can hit preview post dude!
  9. lets get some competition for names in here. shit. names for speak with the orange hi lite steezo.
  10. whoa. pore check yo email. imma eat some rice now. peace stock tip phil
  11. i assume some people might not know about turning the tips of these around to get a circular instead of chisel point. http://www.fusionist.org/newstore/catalog/images/WHH291.jpg'>
  12. tied to a tree the whole time. http://www.2xtreme.net/~paikungfu/bench/bench9/5.jpg'>
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