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Everything posted by B_As_In_Bot

  1. The Akkadian Empire, The Babylonian Empire, The Hittite empire, The Egyptian Empire, Roman Empire All Fell/Burned were destroyed. The New World Empire would never last as long as any of them.
  2. my post sucked. you were all supposed to see this: In a perfect world an order of some kind would exist. Would it be called the NWO? Nobody cares. I firmly believe that if such a thing were to be implemented it would fall with the passage of time. We've heard and seen about these things before:
  3. In a perfect world an order of some kind would exist. Would it be called the NWO? Nobody cares. I firmly believe that if such a thing were to be implemented it would fall with the passage of time. We've heard and seen about these things before:
  4. How the f do I clean the flower crap off grip tape?
  5. May we suggest; is that financially possible for you?
  6. Im really/seriously/honestly doing exactly/precisely/ doing this at this time.
  7. You go slow, be gentle. It's no one-way street -- you know how you feel and that's all. It's how the girl feels too. Don't press. If the girl feels anything for you at all, you'll know. -- Kirk, "Charlie X", stardate 1535.8
  8. Here's what I got; This next one is my friend's dog;
  9. "Your breaking my heart, ass-wipe" This is some golden child type crap..
  10. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/india/7645857/Man-claims-to-have-had-no-food-or-drink-for-70-years.html http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/2010/04/29/2010-04-29_indian_military_analyzes_holy_man_who_drinks_no_water_consumes_no_food.html Ladies and gentlemen; The Biggest Loser.
  11. UFOs did come to LA.. They did a fly by on all the gang bangers and took them to the moon.. Los Angeles is virtually crime free thanks to these space invaders.
  12. Re: The gulf coast is fucked (nevermind)
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