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Everything posted by B_As_In_Bot

  1. Next 2 are ROM w/ others "little USA"
  2. love attacker(JP writer w/ the green face) Very CMK (well known JP writer, in tag) Acre, kure, wane cod - Not from JP How would you feel if you woke up one day to find that the local graff scene was overtaken by outsiders?! hoy,hoy,hoy...
  3. yup. killing tokyo is like shooting fish in a barrel.. Considering the fact they wont buff anything for years, and were talking like5 or 6+ years..fillins on the street..just fade away in the sun.. Trains and train properties get buffed like a mutherfuck. If you want any of your trains to run you have to slash every single train in the layup. Seriously - One tag/throw on each train, both sides if you must..is about the best chance you got is having them run at all. Even then they would get buffed after they get pulled in later that day. You may have noticed how all these train flix are in the dark, and dont show the riders..Done during non operating hours. But hey - shutters/walls/daytime paintspots all over that country. If your a real attention craving type youd go to tokyo and add to the choas, personally I would feel like a tool painting next to a 5 year old sect throw...its like the point has already been made - tokyo's a slut and shes easy with the legs.. They do have the highest bust rate then any other city int he country, good smaritans, fed up owners..they all do thier part to make your visit more enjoyable. Watch out for the gangs..they dont look favorably upon you writing on thier things.. so try not hitting up on their brothels or tattoo parlors, other hangouts. They will go after you if you piss em off enough..:lol:
  4. well what the fuck is he doing in gliko's pad wearing his clothes, eating his food and watching TV and standing in front of his framed pictures? If gliko finds out that Rusky is in deep shit..
  5. VAFVANCULO! (il get banned for this, but fuck it)
  6. Burger King had the flick twisted, saying naw was there first..When its obviously not like that. And yes, your comments did help clarify who went when. You didnt have to bite my head off about it though, it makes you look like some militant femnazi..I respect WOMYN who write, when I know who they are..(No dissing intended.) I never thought writing had so much to do with what gender of the writer was..maybe it just goes to show that most womyn are a tad more sensitive when it comes to this subject, Womyn are more vulnerable walking the streets then men..I guess this means femail writers have more balls then the males..simply because throughout history they have considered themselves as the weaker sex..not all, but a majority of them. Your helped change my perception on womyn writers, I hope that was your goal. Thanks to Destruction by Definition for posting the flick next to the wall, Im now more familiar to what Jels style looks like..
  7. Alright. So explain to me how the white TKO tag next to Jels throw was covered with flat black? Did someone else come along and add a drop shadow to naws throw? Or is that not jel's white TKO tag next to his name with 2 lines under it? :confused:
  8. it also looks like Naw sidebusted his stuff and covered up some of the K in the TKO tag..with his awesome drop shadow..:rolleyes:
  9. Jel TKO next to Naw..No idea where Naw is from..but its Naw, not Tie..
  10. Re: ------->_REAL_L.A._GRAFF_<-------- im obviously not in the right condition to be doing this..:scrambled:
  11. That would be this writer going by Ceezee.. That throw really needs some attention, I seen some writers going over it.
  12. Thats what I said after DLing all of 3-6 Mafia..I would never pay money for it, but if I get it for free I will listen to it, and tell others..There are roughly 50 good songs in the whole bunch.. the file itself has 663 items including album covers, totals out at 3.2 gigs..
  13. Re: ------->_REAL_L.A._GRAFF_<-------- Sure you can visit here and stomp around in the inner city..But it lives far beyond the city, in the near by residing counties and up the coast..Widespread Coverage..The land is dry and graffiti just pops out of nowhere like fire in brush. Every over/underpass, on/off ramps has something fresh on it, whether its a piece/throw/tag or coat of buff paint.. Heres like 5 flix of the most random stuff I came up on one day, Im sure I would have maybe 20 quality graff pics if I made a point to take good pictures. LA is lookin' rather nice these days..despite the consistency of the buff.
  14. PEST = NoOb 10 frwy Pysa did his thing and got ragged on..CBS fillin on the backdoor I also spotted a fresh rime kcw silver/blue throw on another backdoor later that day, his latest throwstyle..
  15. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! The Deaf Bulldog AKA Hamilton, this fool came to us with green mold growing between his eyes..(pound pup) The Mega-Beefman AKA Ed (carried this guy out the pound, he was 65 lbs, then..) The Mini-Beef AKA Wanda who was brought into the pound with a rope cinched around her neck, 2 broken/floating ribs and a nasty hematoma on her left eye, still a puppy too. Seriously, why do assholes feel they should keep pets?:rolleyes:
  16. Re: Japan (stolens) loot: http://www5.ocn.ne.jp/~loot/frame.html Suiko: http://www.suiko1.com/
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