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Everything posted by Frate_Raper

  1. I had a veggie burger at my friends place! I had Mcdicks for the second time in 2011 for lunch.....so i dunno what happened.I worked all day in the sun and drank outta that tap so I'm thinking it was the tap.
  2. at one point I asked to die,just to get it over with.....
  3. So I've had mild cases,or a touch of before. Until this weekend.......I started to feel dizzy and bloated.I had been in the sun all day,an at a bbq and wasn't stressing cause my dude was in town and were out catching wreck. 4 am and I walk into the house and alllllll hell breaks loose. I've only puked once in 11 or 12 years, so I started puking my guts out and shitting, from 4am until 11 last night I was on defcon 4.My fever was over 100 and I couldn't even move unless it was time for some toilet action. Shitty thing is,I might have picked this up from drinking from a garden hose........I've heard horror stories about it and refuse to drink from out door taps or hoses.I had a homie get ecoli and almost die from it. Share your fp stories
  4. It's not a spic its a drunk NATIVE, here in Canada they are fucking savage and annoying and I'm ok with the slap out.
  5. I dont like the guys,hes sorta annoying....his record collection must be insane! I was told that he is a fucking bruiser and can knuckle up when he has too.My boys played a show with him and he totally got treated like shit but knocked around some jocks pretty hard.This is only one of the stories I've heard about him fighting
  6. bandaid glue stain on ankle...groossss but i'd fuck that.
  7. Machetes when turned around are a blunt force object and often used by respectable azn businessmen where I'm at to club motherfuckers. Never steal in china town......
  8. smash all....maybe even bacon....his 6th degree dick has fucked all a hollywood yo!
  9. dog the bounty hunter with D's
  10. no to the obvious trannies, and them utters is gross but if nones gunna know other then me, why not....pure pig onerske
  11. Dude hasn't been edge in years.....go find the press shots of him drinking wine as the evens
  12. Im interested in seeing if this was done with real permission. And if you are new to 12oz or have just forgot about some of the debates Mero money and I have had in which he'd make Fugazi references etc about my opinions about terrible hat rack nigga hip hop,is why I posted this.
  13. http://www.wugazi.com/ For years dude and I have played joke tennis about spitting hot fya over Fugazi........ It's happened son
  14. smash both them euro tuner thickens.....not in the car of course casue thick bitchs and imports dont fit very well
  15. Hello My name is Frate Raper and I am a terrible adult. On the weekend I went to my fav lay up.Had make a brown baby before I started painting...went to local coffee shop and ran in, mens washroom was locked and I HAD TO GO. I went into the chicks shitter to make a mess of all that is holly and safe about public shitters. As I'm doing my do I can hear some broads outside waiting in line but talking shit....I guess girls like to be rude to each other when there is a line up? SOOOOOOOOOO the can is killed and smells worse then Kristy Alleys belly button and I swing open the door to the two fucking cunts waiting, the look of horror on there faces was amazing.......so I said "enjoy that" and skipped away feeling 10 p's lighter:)
  16. i'd hit it....seriously.......I'm sure any one of you hardcore kids this forum have fucked worse......
  17. mass and I should post up at a buffet and holla at thickens all damned day yo!homies on pppppoint with his thick bitches
  18. pink cutter gets the d, shes got daddy issues and ripe for the picking.....you young fellas need to take NOTES
  19. I wont go out on Saturday night until I've watched cops and amw...........I'm not joking
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