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12oz Original
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Everything posted by seeking

  1. yo can i git up in that fuel batle? thats a tite word!
  2. yo somebody hook me up in a battle yo i wanna get bizzy!
  3. yo what up peeps! yo i wanna get down wit some battles so hook it up! yo ill battle whatev bombs tags burnaz yo i jus wanna get ma skillz up ya know!
  4. starz, they're your battles. you are welcome to disqualify any votes that you think are biased or bullshit. you have the power, homie. that yellow feets 'soft' piece looks incredibly kema inspired, which it probably isnt, but is a compliment either way. (not saying you bit).
  5. i dont give a fuck if you're twist, posting a bunch of tags on paper (and then making them all psychodelic in photoshop!) without having work in the 'real world' means absolutely dick. sik isn't some style master, but he has more heart than you EVER will kooter, and at the end of the day, that's the only thing that matters. all personal squabblyes aside, i think this whole paperchase section would be better off without your ignorant cocky attitude and ego taking up so much space. if you win a battle, you're a cocky prick, and if you lose, you're a whiny bitch. no one wants to see that shit. this is about having fun and learning, not having some little dick head 'gloating' because he's the smartest kid in the special ed class (no ofeense guys). STARZABOVE, since you put so much effort into running these battles, and seem to stay impartial, i'll let you have some input. please send me an email at seeking12oz@hotmail.com and let me know how you think i should handle things. afterwards, i'll delete any trace of this whole argument and get things back on track.
  6. sik, dont bother arguing with dude anymore, it's not worth your time. outside of paperchase, no one in the world even knows he exists. if his black book catches on fire, or 12oz goes down, his whole career is shot. they'll have to burn down the tri-state area to get rid of you. now enough arguing.
  7. i'll be honest, i've never liked sik's hand one bit. infact, when i first started seeing it, i was afraid it was going to make my eyes bleed if i looked at it too long. but then i started seeing it EVERYWHERE. in every area of philly i went to, he had already been there. from ghetto ass cutty blocks, to center city and everywhere in between. then i went to NY, and he was all over NY as well. i didn't want to like his stuff, and i fought it for a long time, but finally i just saw too much of it to keep hating. flat out, dude puts in work. dude has been hated on forever, and it never stopped him from doing his thing. so if it comes down to having a decent hand on paper, or a mediocre hand all over the street, i'll take the shit in the street everyday of the week. style is pretty subjective, there are always people who disagree on what is fresh, but there is no disagreeing with numbers, and dude has numbers. when you're a bomber, that's the only thing that matters.
  8. icecold, nice post and equally impressive work. your site is dope. thanks for taking the time to stop back in here.
  9. i dont know who the hell voted for the other guy in the first character battle, but i'm using my executive veto powers to give that one to vandelust. dudes characters comepletely destroyed that other thing. you guys are stoned.
  10. no toy, he writes jenk. read before you try dissing people for no reason. jenk, put a little more effort into a sketch, then post it. dont do some 5 minute bullshit. if you can't take the time to do something quality, we're going to take the time to help you.
  11. in my experiennce, if a writer is so dope that i would want some of his work, then chances are real good that that dopeness is going to extend beyond just letters. but that's just me. since you're doing all this yapping joker, i think you should post some recent works that we havent seen. ;)
  12. why do you guys crop the photos so closely? the fact that they're stuck to a piece of metal of some sort isn't very exciting, it's that they're stuck up in different cities/states/countries. you should post much more panoramic shots. even if the stickers themselves wind up being kind of small, who cares? it's about where they are, not just what they are. if i sent a stack of stickers to someone in london, and all i ever saw of it where close ups of my sticker on a red piece of metal with some blurry grass in the background, i'd be bummed. send me a photo of my sticker on a red phone booth, with grass and buckingham palace behind it, and i'm stoked. dig me?
  13. personally, i think most of the time when you take graff out of a 'graff environment', it looks out of place, childish and almost foolish. highly technical stuff like daim is an obvious exception, because it's eye-pleasing to even someone with no idea that it's graff. stuff like jokers work also is exempt because while there are letters, they're so far removed, and relying more heavily on weight and balance, than on trying to be cool letters. basically, folks can do whatever they want, but graff on canvases is boring as hell to me. i like the idea of being able to share 'art' with friends, but i'd rather have something more personal than a regular piece done in miniature with markers. really though, who cares. i painted some stuff last night. perhaps tonight i'll post pics. or maybe i wont. i plan to do more tonight as well. (i'm a machine).
  14. that kid?! haha. that kid is a completely joke. i'd enjoy hearing what he has to say about me though. feel free to drop an email to seeking12oz@hotmail.com
  15. wow. i haden't seen anything new by dave in years. he got all colorful and exciting. glad to see he's still around. DOD, next time you speak with him, give him the blessings of a complete stranger who always loved seeing his stuff. DOD, i was not talking about you specifically at all. you're one of the few people i've noticed in here that really seems to try doing things and puts alot of effort into it. if there was a flower in the hand of one of your characters, it was completely coincidental. either way though, theres no need to defend yourself to me or anyone else. i could really care less what you guys do. it makes no difference to my life. i was just trying to maybe put a nicer spin on what asoka said, and express a couple ideas of my own. trust me, i understand what you mean by using stickers as a way to work through issues. i do the same with the stickers i make, the same with painting. it might not seem very related, but it all ties together in my own head and that's all it needs to. if it makes you happy and keeps you healthy, then who cares what i or anyone else says? apologies are for the weak and the wrong.
  16. grime? was that supposed to be 'grim'? either way, it doesn't surprise me. people love to talk about me. please share.
  17. the only people who say there are no rules in graff are kids who can only be considered 'good' if there are no standards. anyone who has written for a number of years will tell you that indeed there are rules, and if you don't follow them, you'll never get much respect. that doesn't mean you have to be like everyone else, and it doesn't mean that there aren't some exceptions, but for the most part there is a formula to being dope; either be wicked talented, wicked consistent, or be wicked up. if you are any of those things, respect will follow (especially the latter two). there is nothing wrong with stickers. i've put up thousands of them. if you're content with just making stickers, and being 'that guy who puts up stickers' then so be it. it's all in the attitude of the beholder. if you guys are happy with your little 'community' here, then that's dope, i'm glad you could find eachother and i'm glad our site could help. i will agree that some of you guys should be pushing yourselves (and eachother) a bit harder than you seem to, but maybe that will come with time. use achother (and this outlet) to explore new things, and by new things, i don't mean putting a flower in your characters hand. i think what he (asoka) was saying (among other things), and what i will agree with, is that alot of the time (in all aspects of life) people only want to put in enough effort so they can feel like they're 'down', and don't really care about the artistic exploration of dedicating yourself to making something. i think there are probably some people here who have no interest in really 'expressing' themselves, or trying to push themselves creatively or otherwise. which is all good i guess, it's your lives, it just seems like a waste. probably the most famous 'sticker' guy ever, was a cat named 'dave' in SF. dude did simple little stick figures basically, and just wrote 'DAVE'. nothing else. always on the same blank white 'c-line' stickers. no special talent, no artistry, but he put them up by the thousands, and that dedication became the art, ya know? sorry for being so long winded. i'll try and make some more stickers one of these days so i can contribute something more interesting than my words.
  18. or maybe i'm right on the money and you just don't want to accept it. i said several times i was not just talking about you, and that i had considered making the same comments before you even posted. if you want to take it personal though, feel free. also, if your confidence level can be that effected by one persons intelligent and respectfull criticism, then you obviously have no confidence in yourself, and that will always show through in your work (this applies to everyone). oppinions are everywhere and they're completely subjective. i'd rather look at 100 plain blank canvases, than one mona lisa, but that doesn't mean it's bad and the others are good. it's all personal preference. seeks/the difference between a 5 year old, and a 'modern artist' that paints like a 5 year old, is intention and deliberate action.
  19. you mean that's not grey...i mean geso...i mean sigh...errr, i mean reas. oh, forget it. yeah for tree houses!
  20. i realize this has nothing to do with me, but when i want to spread my work across the world, i travel the world and spread it myself. just my .02
  21. haha. i wasn't trying to insult you, just pointing out that i think sometimes kids get a head of themselves, thats all. worry about making dope paintings, not selling them. money is like water, it comes and goes, but integrity and self respect are with you forever, ya know? thank's for taking it well.
  22. no offense, but whats up with people in here trying to sell some mediocre canvases? absolutely nothing against you personally, but if i posted that, would you want to dig into your bank account and shell out your hard earned money for it? i sure as hell wouldnt. i even read some post where someone was posting one of their first canvases and talking about selling it?! i know value is relative to the viewer, but c'mon. 'selling' art is for people that have put in time and built a name for themselves, not a kid who gets a canvas a couple cans of spray paint, and does some generic futura background. this isn't a personal attack on you laybeuh, although i'll understand if you take it that way, i'm just saying...cats need to put more effort into making art for arts sake, and less interest in even considering making money off it. i know you weren't really trying to push the selling angle too hard, and i had considered posting this same reply the other day, but held off, today i was just extra bored or something. tease, for the record, i dont really care for your 'art' a ton, but i respect the fact that your trying. theres alot of honesty in it, which is nice. (now don't say all i do is pick on you. ;) )
  23. kooter, have you noticed that anyone who votes against you is immediately accused of being biased, dick riding or stupid? even when someone simply states they liked someone better and gives exact reasons, you still have to insult them. it's getting incredibly tired. if you can't learn to take criticism, or even just accept that other people might have different oppinions than you, you're not gonna be posting here. no one needs your attitude. and go ahead, write back and talk a bunch of shit. just make sure you say everything you want to, cause it will be the last post you make.
  24. wow. you guys must be smoking yourself nearly blind. zealot (who needs to change his name if he writes zealot) gets my vote for FINAL. no one else is even close.
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