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12oz Original
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Everything posted by seeking

  1. someone needs to go back and put the little line in the A on that thing. it got missed the first time. :( it's been running for almost 2 years. seeks/fashionable 'siqdale
  2. do we really need to have this discussion again? go back to the first couple pages, it's been covered ad nauseum. and no offense, but why don't you put in some work in the streets before you worry about that? cats always want to jump straight in over their heads, i don't get it.
  3. because we already get roughly 10 million page views a month. because we've had to upgrade servers every year just to keep the whole site from crashing. because we pay more for bandwith each month than your parents pay for their house. because it's out site and we can? besides, what does it matter, you guys obviously all know eachother, just pick up the phone. you can take your e-friends off line with you, i promise. ;) seeks/www.aim.com
  4. no, PM's are shut off for everyone. sorry. use aim.
  5. copy the image URL from fontango, then hit 'new reply' here in the thread. click the 'IMG' button right above the area where you type, and paste the URL into it. then hit 'ok'. easy.
  6. when you only 'get up' on the internet, it leaves you a lot more time to master the fine art of googling. ;)
  7. gaita's stuff was dope. the fish were actually my least favorite...followed by the girl next to the turntables, which looked like a levi's add to me. i like the strippers though. if you could find a way to make it look 15% seedier, and the girls look just a little more desperate and broken, i'd be all over that shit. work on the backgrounds a little bit too. i know they're supposed to be kind of 'bland' (not in a bad way) but i think they could be improved with a little more 'mature' technique (if that makes sense). anyway, stuff was fresh. probably my favorite i've seen in here in a while. joker, you're more qualified to speak on this stuff than anyone, and even if you dont think you make sense, trust me, you do. this whole thing could be improved ten fold just by you having more of a presence.
  8. well yeah, there is that whole biting thing too.
  9. damn, that's like an allstar line up.
  10. apparently you might want to try peaches, they seem to be all the rage these days.
  11. nicole, sorry homie, haven't been fronting. phone was in girls car, wasn't near computer. sorry for getting you all souped up, but i'm not gonna be able to make it. too much stuff going on. sorry man.
  12. i could have sworn i saw death with irate and pluto? maybe i'm high. my bad. ok, well then scratch the above comment, and amend it to be asking why is death biting irate then. and yes, we are all welcome to our own opinions. ;) the worst part is that dude probably wasn't even trying to dis tead, he's just too damn dumb to realize that you don't go over people that will paint circles around you.
  13. just for the record, i completely support the smashing of that guys face with a hammer. jeremy harvey is a grade A piece of shit. karma's gonna be a motherfucker someday.
  14. my problem isn't even that 'death' went over tead (although that's obviously wack as well), it's that the piece fucking sucks ass. what is it with all those dfw kids and thinking that if you drag your first and last letter all the way into the ground, then bring it back up, that it will look fresh? are they worried that their pieces might just float away into space if they aren't anchored properly? all other personal differences aside, i don't mind irate's pieces, those other kids though. ugh.
  15. yo, what the fuck goose, is your whole crew homo? why aren't there pictures of tits EVERYWHERE?
  16. shell/forecefield/outer call it personal preference, but take the letters off those canvases, and they're 10x's fresher. ha. nothing against your letters, they're pretty good, i just dont care for canvases with pieces on them. it just looks ridiculously out of place to me. outside of that original belief, i STRONGLY disagree that a bunch of tags and extra written bullshit would make any of them better. clutter never makes anything better. they could use something....maybe some clouds around the letters with some dripping parts that run almost down to the bottom. it's hardly original, but it's fitting, ya know.
  17. yeah, but you guys dont. you're some french bitches that use a baday like fucking mick dundee.
  18. a nice thick creamy orange is always a good match for blue. thicken up your lines a little bit too. they're too flimsy for the weight of the letter. think of it as an actual structure. those lines could never hold it together. ;)
  19. dude, it's got to atleast sort of rhyme with 'join us or die'. that wasnt even close.
  20. what, you don't like my angry muslim themed title you got today? c'maannnnn. it's a slam dunk. you already look like an a-rab. thats what you're trying to gather all these weakminded droogies for, so you can blow up st peters cathedral in ny, cause you hate our freedom to eat the body of christ. you're a fuckin wacko man, you're worse than evil!
  21. if you make us be aliens, or futuristic women with mad max tits, i'm gonna change your title to something horrendous! and then just to take it a step further, i'll write script that automatically changes the words 'knight bats' into something else....something like 'pinapple humpers' or some shit. and then when you guys try getting all l33t, and pulling some shit like "kn1g4t I3@t$" you'll find out that that turns into something even worse...something like 'crippled hookers'! you have no idea as to the extent of our powers. you're messing with mother nature here homeboy, and mothernature is a son of a bitch! i know you think you're all slick cause you got gliko to make flash movies for you, well here's the real deal ally mcbeal, gliko might be a knightbat in his heart, but his heart is torn in two and bad news bears for you super mega rap star oner, i control the half that beats, you control the half that sucks! http://www.pittsburghsoccer.com/spibestfriendsch.jpg'> you better give us awesome names. i'd like my tattoos to be reflected in my key, and johnny better have his glasses. if you can make a little hand comes up and adjusts his glasses every 45 seconds, that would be cool too. maybe you could use that awsome slurpee baseball card/rippled plastic action graffic technology.
  22. iquit, i wasn't trying to make nice, i was trying to get race cars named after me an johnny, since we're both turbo race car drivers. it's only fitting. just for thinking i'm soft though, you just got your title changed again. so these toys are coming out here? hmmmm.. interesting.
  23. what the hells up with the tumors coming off all the letters? that U and S are kinda.....well, i dont think those potato sacks of extensions really add a whole lot to it. monochromatic is fine, but i'd throw a bright orange shell on it (and some white, or atleast real light blue highlights). just me though.
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